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Punish him? You and the rest of the family cut him off, entirely. He no longer exists. No second chances, no second thoughts. Gone.

If there’s money to be recovered, do it by legal means. Snapping and doing something yourself might make you feel better, until you get arrested. Money is no excuse to get locked up. And remember, when people like us get locked up…. We could end up in the psych ward… and subject to their treatments, and their length of stay. It’s just not worth it. Plus, it’s easy to go too far…. You don’t want to deal with serious charges….

Just my two cents…. I know you’re pissed and want to punish…. But you can’t take care of mamma from the slammer… :pass: :bighug:

❤️ hard to talk about. But I mean this ❤️
Good morning rad boys, lazer gyals, and others .....

Coffee is in, back to the grind. First seed has been een transferred to a peat pellet. Waiting on a lil germy stem to pop

@Heart of flowers - That's a shit situation. Good luck with it, and I agree with Frank about not getting yourself in trouble. Just like he said - You can't help if you're locked up too.

That said, dislocating a shoulder is a bad but not life ending injury. Max pain minimum damage. Plus it happens when you accidentally trip and fall. Just sayin'
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