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T-minus 30minutes before the free help arrives......:pass:.... must be Wednesday....

200w (3).gif

Sitting in the morning............ sun......... :headbang: ...

Still a bit nippy overnight.... with all the windows open....:biggrin:... but that's a Blessing...


Look at the ballbearings on that lot..........:pass:.. male or female bias is always possible... but I blame that on a stress induced swing...


But... what was I saying about needing a white on white cross...:pass:... I've got a big selection of eligible males...and probably 4 females..

#FingersCrossed .....:wizzy:

I See quite a few Deep Chunk males in there....and they are always Studs......but I need double white..or pale NL pinks cross...

Knowing mother nature's sense of humour... I'll get white super get me hopes up....and all coloured females....:crying:
Hi everybody, new grower here:hippy:
I wanted to introduce myself as I have been gathering info on afn for months. This forum has been of great relief in times of doubt.
I'm in my late 30's and have been gardening for almost ten years. Been smoking since I was a dumbass, twelve year old teenager... This year I finally started growing my own and swore never to buy it on the streets again (weed is illegal in my country). Unfortunately, wife was OK to let me grow only outside in my garden shed, so I have a limited space in which I could barely fit my 2x4 tent and environment control has been hell. Nevertheless, my girls are currently in flower and things seem going alright. So after being sober for almost 4 months, making many mistakes, killing 4 plants, I have learned a ton of stuff thanks to you all and still have a ton to learn.
I just wanted to :thanks:all contributors, master growers, documentig growers, because many of you have unknowingly helped me. You have a great community here and I love your spirit. Take care
Hi everybody, new grower here:hippy:
I wanted to introduce myself as I have been gathering info on afn for months. This forum has been of great relief in times of doubt.
I'm in my late 30's and have been gardening for almost ten years. Been smoking since I was a dumbass, twelve year old teenager... This year I finally started growing my own and swore never to buy it on the streets again (weed is illegal in my country). Unfortunately, wife was OK to let me grow only outside in my garden shed, so I have a limited space in which I could barely fit my 2x4 tent and environment control has been hell. Nevertheless, my girls are currently in flower and things seem going alright. So after being sober for almost 4 months, making many mistakes, killing 4 plants, I have learned a ton of stuff thanks to you all and still have a ton to learn.
I just wanted to :thanks:all contributors, master growers, documentig growers, because many of you have unknowingly helped me. You have a great community here and I love your spirit. Take care
Afternoon @Frankthetank ...:bighug:.. #SharingOne....

Got a new to Lidl cut of beef.... cooked it yesterday......:chef:...10 minutes roast 160...then 5 mins grill 400 to brown it up.. 6 minutes rest...

Taste was divine..... but a bit chewy.......any tips for next time............?.....


Yellow fat on beef really does it for me.........:headbang:.... but hubby says he needs his teeth sharpened..........:biggrin:

Morning mossy it’s going gonna be another hot one today

Morning Frank

:bighug: here too... and I don't have the heat off the welding kit to contend with........................ you have my sympathy....:pighug:
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