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I want some FUNK!!!!
I've got some fairly decent and expected decent funk in the current grow. Super Train Wreck and Asian Haze hash or Temple ball.
I want some of that "Grab ya by the Nose!" FUNK!!!
:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

A skunky fuel maybe?
A skunky liver?
You get the idea!
Got any suggestions?
Autos or photos, but preferably photos.
Anyone else in the mid-west struggling with this crazy heat wave.Forced to vent everything from the grow room including the dehumidifier up and out the chimney.When the wind blows just right I can smell it at the mailbox.:nono:
Yep, AC and dehumidifier are both getting a workout :headbang: Supposed to start cooling off a bit here starting tomorrow :pass:
Oh you're gonna like that stuff!!! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
T minus one hour and forty seven minutes and I can try some…. Her tops come outta the cannatrol :headbang::pass:

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