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I use Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth in conjunction with Silica supplements to help strengthen my plants, and zero bottled Calmag. DTE contains a plentiful amount of essential micronutrients including Calcium and Magnesium. To boot, it also contains Silica which has been shown to act as carrier of sorts for better Calcium absorption. So if your using a Silica supplement, you'll need to adjust the dosage when using DTE.


:pass: Thanks N/A! Those top buds I put the scrog on for are some chunkers! Have thought about adding a little DTE though, so good suggestion!. I use build a soil stuff and the Craft Blend has silica in it. I supplement a little with either mono silicic acid or RAW silica. The xtra cal and mag in DTE would actually help a lot as I will have at least one Chem D in all the grows moving forward and those suck up cal/mag like there's no tomorrow! Could be a great addition. Also have some rice hulls mixed in the soil that have silica as well

Have a great day!!!
Screenshot 2024-05-17 at 12.12.17 PM.png
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