After a Consult with our AFN Experts.....I have been told I've singed me girls with overfeeding......
I got me wrists slapped...................................................................................................and Really enjoyed it...............
I went from an under feeder to an over feeder in one fell swoop.......


...Clever me.....over Qualified......
The sun got hot...the wind intense and I saw it as an opportunity to get more food in....can't blame me for trying....but I should'a put more watter in it...Story of my life.....
I'm Missing a few yellow singed fans....but they look bovvered..?............
Spot the bottle......

.....IF I can fatten that....I'd be more than Happy with her 2 ltrs of soil..outdoor.......
Now spot the bottle.....I Love Autos.........
Sprawley things are okay too.........
Start of my day.......with 3 coffees and cough..cough joints..... is your Morning.....?.........

@Fermented_Fruitz ...that garden is a masterpiece....
Oh.....anyone wanna a chip while I go feed..fee...watter the girls......?.........
Go Know you want one.................................................................................Crunchy Munchies..........
Yeah..I'm an Evil cow....
52 tomatoes picked yesterday...there is plenty salsa to go around.....