Fucking VA! Their policies are so ridiculous…. Although their pills are terrible as well. Took me 7 years to get off their stupid pills, 13 pills a day in all….replaced with canna only. Although my VA record says I have a “cannabis use disorder” lol….. one thing I learned, you are not obligated to take their drug test….
Well, even in legal states, you need to tale a blood test if you want anything above fuggin aspirin almost. They told me I couldn't have any sort of opiate if I had any THC in my system. I was taking a CBD product that could have a little in it........
legal level.
I asked this retared doc, "So your telling me if I use a legal CBD product that has a tiny bit of THC in it, I can't get meds, but will give them to people that drink alcohol where they can
ACTUALLY FUCKING DIE FROM A DAMN OVERDOSE, because you can't test for past use of booze? Don't you fucking know that you can't OD from a normal dose of an opioid and use of canna, but sure as fuck can with normal dose and use of booze?"
HAD to just get up a leave on the spot or it would not have turned out very well for the doc and probably the the fuggin retarded ass VA Police. I was seeing red and that's my sign that I have to change what I'm doing or I mat not be able to control my actions as well as I normally could. I don't get like that very often at all. That was roughly 2 years ago and I have had only one other "seeing red" incident and guess where it was.................Same damn VA hospital!
It was last year in the heat of the raging covid. I go in the main entrance of the hospital for my PT consult. This hospital has the security double door entrance to be able to trap some "bad guy" in it. These god damn morons had that area PACKED with wheelchaired vets with stupid masks, but them packed "nutt to butt" with no kind of social distancing.
They had a set-up taking temps and asking for IDs and asking if I had an appt. I didn't answer any of their questions, but asked who was in charge in in a normal tone. I got a sarcastic "Why do you need to know?". I told that fatass moron, "You don't have the need to know that." in a normal tone. I had one moron move towards me in the corner of my eye. Without turning my head, I told him not to take another step towards me and asked my question agan........all in a normal calm tone. Again..............another moron asks, "Who are you and why do you need to know who is in charge?"
Oh Jeez! I don't need this! DAMMIT!! Here we go!
In a pretty stern voice still trying my best to keep my chill, " I am a decorated US Naval Veteran and those are my brothers and sisters you god damn morons have packed in there with no sort of social distancing whatsoever! If I don't get a damn answer from just one of you morons, you will find out who the hell I am!" as I pulled out my phone and asked it Dallas VA Hospital director.
Same ass moves closer to me, I tell him to not move closer to me, but this time I turned and looked directly at him. LOL! What a puss! I clicked the number and strangely enough, it was answered almost instantly, I asked if the Director was in and that is its an emergency. Bam! I got her instantly. I'm telling her what is going on and ask her if I need to call either of my Senators. She was highly upset by hearing what was going on and apologized to me and reasured me that it would be corrected now. She got on their radio to the head of the police. After she called him out, I advised her that IF I found this crap again, I'll call both Senators immediately without contacting her.
Ummmm................Didn't say that I had all this on speaker phone, for my bad hearin'

, while I was talking to her? The faces on these morons was absolutely
PRICELESS! I did have a chiteatin' grin on my face as this was going on and taking to her. I almost busted out laughing when she got on the security radio channel! You could hear it reverberating with the phone picking up her voice coming through all the damn radios around me................there were like 8 people there when this started and four or five more came in as it progressed.
I turned to the gaggle of morons........... isn't that's what a group of morons called?..............."You heard her
TURN 2!" Naturally, none of them are veterans, so they don't know that :
TURN 2:" means to get to work! By this time, there is quite the crowd of vets around me. You could hear them chuckling and saying a few things, but when I told them all to
TURN 2, they busted out laughing
! ..............both young and old vets
We all bumped elbow
s before I left that place.
And my primary physician asks me why I don't like to come to the hospital!

I almost called the mighty WBAP radio station to tell the huge conservative with an Irish first name

about it
. I realized they would have my phone number and at that time, this would have turned into a national news item. Yeah......no! I don't need to have someone trying to get me on Fox or some other national news with reporters snooping around da hacienda
Sorry for my French, but it was essential for the truth.!
Damn! If
Mossy is screwing off on afn again today, she's gonna ask me if I 'm "On the Sati" again!