A Vet friend and I were playing GTA Online last night. I had just started my evening canna coffee. We were talking about his visit at the VA yesterday. I don't know WTF they are doing at the Pain Clinic. Some brilliant bureaucrat has totally FUBAR the pain clinic with their issuance of meds and hired retards. The woman he was seeing said pot was legal for him. Well, not in Shadowland and the VA restricts the med list if you pop positive for canna! Damn fuggin' POS ignorant scumbag bureaucrats!

Anyway, we were screwing around with a glitch and he needed to take a little break. His pain started to hammer him.. He came back and said, "I'm going back to smoking. Wanna do a joint internet bong hit?" I can't say no after what he told me about the VA............eventhough the canna coffee was just kicking in pretty good and I did take a nighty night dose.

He still had some of the Gelatto33 I gave him last year in a Grove bag. The only thing I had handy for a bong hit was Sour Stomper. We take our hits and Stomper hits me behind the eyes......
.I AIN'T SKURRED!.........I fried that whole damn bowl! It takes a bit to recover, but his first words were, "Damn! Bro! You sure do grow some dank ass canna!" I know his pulmonary system is not the best, so I told him I want to give him a stick of my nasty powerful canna butter. I told him it would last him a very easy two weeks and keep him lit during his waking hours. I asked if he wanted some bud too and he said he'd have to ask the wife if they could afford.......I cut him short with, "Do you
want some bud also? I'm giving it to you fugger!" Always grateful, he said ok and thanked me.
Anyway, after all that mushy crap, we got back to have fun and being lit off our asses. For any GTA fan, we were flying around in a non-weaponized plane, but the game thinks the second player is manning the big guns in his Avenger's bay. Unsuspecting players would attempt coming for the bounty I placed on my friend and get blasted outta the skies. The game also thinks the plane has the armor of the Avenger also, so it takes a
lot more damage. We're both just totally laughing our asses off.
He has to get off so they can put his new baby to bed. We said out goodbyes after a fun and fruitful meeting.
Sorry for the long diatribe, but I just had to vent my frustration with the retarded VA bureaucrats!
Carry on with the "NORMAL" programming!