7# pickling Cucumbers
4 bright orange carrots cut in quarters lengthwise
7 large garlic cloves
7 large grape leaves
1 cup Pickling Salt
1/4 tsp. Pickle Crisp per jar
1- 12oz bottle of Orchids Rice vinegar - no longer available here subbing another brand Marukin Organic Rice Vinegar. It won't be the same!
6 cups of Heinz white vinegar
12 cups water
Generous sprigs of fresh Baby Dill for each jar.
Wash the produce, clean and prep 7 quart jars. Bring the salt, vinegar and water to a boil. pack the jars with the produce equally. Fill with the boiling hot mixture to 1/4 inch from the top and seal with new lids and rings. Process in a hot water bath at 180°F for 15 minute. Remove to a quiet spot out of the breeze to cool and seal. Ready to eat in 6 months.