Indoor KushNFT - Dark Devil, Candy Kush and Himalaya Orange Diesel Autos in NFT

Thanks's hoping I do a better job at containing the pH swings as the Kush hits flower. She's been well behaved so far but it's now a pretty big plant for the size of the res so I need to be checking on them regularly and ready with the nutes.
A few DDA pics from the yesterday....



Group shot and a pic of the Candy Kush's res....



Starting to consider what to do with the DDA space once that's done.....Dr Feelgood?
Dr.Feelgood was a nice strain. Very string indica, great for pain or sleep or just sitting on the couch for hours lol.
Between you and the ShortStuff Q&A it's pretty much top of my want to try list of autos.

I think if I'm going to stagger the starts of the next plants as I ended up with this lot I think it makes sense to start what is expected to be the shortest strain first rather than start a tall one first and have that dictate light height.
Few pics from the last day or two...





Breeder info for the Candy Kush says up to 60cm in soil so I'm thinking Dr Feelgood will be about 2/3rds the size of that.

Dark Devil is getting near the end so am hoping to start soaking rockwool for the next plant soon......hopefully by this time next week a seed will have been sown. I like my rockwool well soaked:smoking:




Those plants are going crazy bro

Seems to be business as usual round here lol.

Think i'll take some pics to the hydro store and see if I can blag a discount again.....they seem to like a giggle and all I'm doing is following the instructions on products they sold me. I'm down to my last half litre of bloom nutes....maybe a week's worth!:yoinks:
I've been putting together an order of nutrients myself. Somehow between the three plants I've got going, the fact that I'm using 3.5 gallons of water and nutrients a day escaped me. :doh: