Been some noticeable growth since last pics. Watered today gave 1/4 tsp bigbloom 1/4 teaspoon silica and 2 scoops great white... going slow and steady,less is more,was going hooking em up with some molasses but I’m spent from work so next time on that. And wait is that a pistil I see??? I’ll have to wait till tommorow to make a positive identification....
That’s would be strange no??? At day 15???
My current grow showed sex around day 17 or 18. My first attempt growing was years ago with easy ryder's and one of my 6 sexed at day 14, the last one at day 21. All matured very close to each other.
Dam looking green and lush! My plants are finally in bloom mode. Can't wait to see how they turn out tbh in this hot temps :(
Mine have been from mid 70s to high 80s throughout the grow. Not super dense buds but very sticky. With enough airflow as long as temps are under 85-90 you should be fine. Cannabis grows outside. And sometimes its over 90. It doesnt die from 1 spike. Airflow as i understand is key.

committing 1 crime to avoid commiting multiple crimes... is it ethical? is it moral?
Mine have been from mid 70s to high 80s throughout the grow. Not super dense buds but very sticky. With enough airflow as long as temps are under 85-90 you should be fine. Cannabis grows outside. And sometimes its over 90. It doesnt die from 1 spike. Airflow as i understand is key.

committing 1 crime to avoid commiting multiple crimes... is it ethical? is it moral?
Got the airflow tall???
I keep mine super low if i can. I start lst training by node 3 and keep it short. My last 2 are only 10 inches tall from dirt to top. But its about 20ish inches from base to tip. I pulled 24 dry off one and 39ish from the other. Very cheap leds. I only had about 2 to 4 inches of intensity.

committing 1 crime to avoid commiting multiple crimes... is it ethical? is it moral?
Last edited: 20.
I topped the girls 3 1/2 days ago and started leaf tucking two days ago. What a change in a short time. Love it when you can just totally manipulate it’s structure...These girls didn’t slow down a bit infact they seem as though they sped up!!! I noticed their all showing sex yesterday(I’m positive this time and I’m sober lol) The only one I haven’t messed with is the one on the bottom right she’s growing really slow so I’m just going to leave her O’NATURAL. None are showing any kind of deficiencies so I haven’t started any real nutes yet. But I couldn’t be more pleased with the way the grow has been going so far(knock on wood!!!
