Jraven's Alaska Summer 2018

Haven't made any progress on the greenhouse, my back has been hurting so taking it relatively easy...next task on that is scaring up some lumber for the deck...gonna have to check around.
I did fill some one gallon fabric pots for my first round of plants. These will stay in the small pots for life.
2 x 24carat, 2x double grape, 2x AvT all mephisto. 1 DP brooklyn sunrise, 1 DP blueberry, and 1 Bubba Trouble. I may change my mind on the BT though, I've only got 3 beans might want them all in larger pots. I used a product called Sohum soil in 3 pots will do a comparison. I think I got this because it would ship to me lol.

Weathers ok today, just a little breeze, an occasional sprinkle of rain and some sun spots now and then.
Had to give my back a break for a couple days will be trying to get the lumber for my g'house deck today. In the meantime here's some pretty little harlequin ducks hanging out in the creek mouth under my window
I scrounged up some stuff for my deck, got my 6' x10' area for the greenhouse. I knew there wasn't much available since the fellow hadn't been sawing for awhile. But he had some rejects around, that's good with me didn't have to pay it'll just be part of the karmic flow. So I think I have the greenhouse framing material will look for that next. Hope everyone's having a good time if not better start now! :pass: