Jraven's Alaska Summer 2018

Rain Rain Rain . 9 inches so far and heaps more coming . Main road into town . Wife is stuck on the other side . :thumbsup:
Damn right, she better stay away from that lol:yoinks:
Damn...all i would do is hop into the aluminum boat and fish if i lived there!! :D Well every minute i wasnt busy prepping for winter i guess!

Merry Xmas my friend!!
It always feels good to get out on the water. But I'm sure you'd get tired of it eventually:rofl: NOT. You would love it I know:pass:
I live to fish!! Not sure the commercial gig would be for me, but sportfishing for me is bliss.
You would probably be good at it, having a passion is a good start but I can see by the way you go about things that it [salmon trollling that is] would be a good fit. :pass: