Jraven's Alaska Summer 2018

I seem to have put on my fishing/mechanic/maintenance man hat here :coffee2:so I'm in that awkward transition phase between the half of the year where I'm doing my thing at home and the half where I focus on making a living. Umm, the diesel fired up on the first crank after sitting since October so that was a good start. It's all the same my friends I'll get over it soon. :haha:
I need a chill tune

Here's a new look into the seedling cabinet this morn
View attachment 909242 The weather is unfortunately pretty awful today...49F and raining...hope it is getting that out of the way and will be a little better soon. I'm getting a little pressure to move the older first-round girls out of the solarium into the greenhouse permanently...need to make way for the tomatoes. They are late week 3 so I guess that's about all I expected to give them. They'll get better light at least. View attachment 909228
Here are some mug shots from yesterday Double Grape View attachment 909236
DP Blueberry auto
View attachment 909238

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Bubba TroubleView attachment 909245 View attachment 909247
I don't mind the weather for myself but I do sometimes feel like I'm tormenting these plants:eyebrows:. I do think in the long run the greenhouse will be an improvement :thumbsup:
plants look great, big improvement, gonna have more light than the solarium
plants look great, big improvement, gonna have more light than the solarium
Yep, I think it's an improvement...I would help if the sun would shine lol, Kind of a slow spring here, but having the plants started under the cobs made a big dif too. :pass:
gonna get busy in the cupboard soon,but i guess they wont be there for long :thumbsup: i was disapointed for you last year,they just lacked some oompf,so not the case this season.
keep er lit.
Archie good to see you...Last year was a rough one, we're off to a better start so far. I've got my hands full with these seedlings all right. It will get complicated we'll see if my carefully planned scheme works lol:smoking:
even when sun isn't out you be getting more light, this is how I coach myself when the sun don't shine:haha:
It's a way better place for the plants light-wise, even if the season is like the last one, I'm pretty sure I'll get better results.:cheers:
It would be nice if it would warm up a little more before I need to move the youngsters out... I would have thought June 1 was a safe bet:doh: but we shall see.