Jraven's Alaska Summer 2018

Think about how stressed all those Bass tournament guys look, whiskey and Budweiser just don't have that same calming, go with the flow effect as some good ol' sinsemilla!
Lol, yep it makes you wonder if people really know how to have fun:smoking::pass:
Well shoot, i don't seem to be getting alerts for this and many other threads. Some I do, but this is one I am not getting.

Anyway, green house is looking great my friend. Looks like you have done a fair amount of building in your day. I worked at it professionally for almost three decades.

Can't wait to see your plants in there.

Well shoot, i don't seem to be getting alerts for this and many other threads. Some I do, but this is one I am not getting.

Anyway, green house is looking great my friend. Looks like you have done a fair amount of building in your day. I worked at it professionally for almost three decades.

Can't wait to see your plants in there.

Hey brother glad you found us...I know I have to check that "watched threads" thing now and then and usually find I have some catching up to do lol.
My building experience is kind of what you see...I've done a fair amount but not much pro just one off here and there...built my house though it's a nice little timber-frame built mostly with hand tools..i've also had the pleasure of having a fairly well equipped shop before it burned down...got to do a little cabinet and furniture making.
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Yesterday was another fine day, I got a little done on the greenhouse but got a good deal on some firewood so we dealt with that and have to do more of that today. These sunny days are still carrying a price of cool nights...34F overnight.

Here's what a skiff load looks like, I got nearly 3 times that amount. I have the skiff spring-tied so it will move up the beach during the night tide. I have to toss this load up into the trees to a storage spot for later.

Think about how stressed all those Bass tournament guys look, whiskey and Budweiser just don't have that same calming, go with the flow effect as some good ol' sinsemilla!

OH for sure...when i used to fish tourneys there was strict no grass rules....but the problem is i like to smoke weed, and it helps my spine pain...had to be careful toking one!! Shit...it was like you were back in high school again! :D :D :D
I had a couple years of 200+ steelhead when I had a drift boat, no kids, and only worked three or four days a week... I would say 99% of the fish I have caught since 15 years old have been under the influence of cannabis, and that number just keeps rising.