New Grower InkAddicts perpetual magical grow garden

I suck at diagnosing deficiencies but they look kinda like Mag deficient and that can come from too much calcium! U shouldn’t use calmag all that often and maybe not at all if your tap has plenty! :thumbsup:
I'm cutting it out...I've been ro water plus 50 ppm of cal-mag every water....I just started using half ro half comes out 54 ppm and pH of 9-10
1st thing I’d do so u can cross it off the list is do a slurry test to get soil ph! Just dig up couple tablespoons and add with small amount of water! Stir it up good and then let it sit couple hours! Then Just dip ph pen in and get a reading! I bought a ph soil probe strictly for testing ph in my SIP containers! Earthbox says to add lime at the beginning but it is actually asking for trouble if u don’t need it to start out with! I only add if ph drops!

Also never used MC but doesn’t that have calcium in it already? If so I’d ditch the calmag totally and just use some epsom every once in a while!
I'm cutting it out...I've been ro water plus 50 ppm of cal-mag every water....I just started using half ro half comes out 54 ppm and pH of 9-10
Even only 50ppm added to what’s in your tap could be overdoing it! Too much calcium can lockout Mag/Phosphorus and 1 other I’m forgetting at the moment! Maybe K but not positive! MoG will know tho he’s a freaking pro at this stuff!
1st thing I’d do so u can cross it off the list is do a slurry test to get soil ph! Just dig up couple tablespoons and add with small amount of water! Stir it up good and then let it sit couple hours! Then Just dip ph pen in and get a reading! I bought a ph soil probe strictly for testing ph in my SIP containers! Earthbox says to add lime at the beginning but it is actually asking for trouble if u don’t need it to start out with! I only add if ph drops!

Also never used MC but doesn’t that have calcium in it already? If so I’d ditch the calmag totally and just use some epsom every once in a while!
Ok will do away with the cal-mag....
Even only 50ppm added to what’s in your tap could be overdoing it! Too much calcium can lockout Mag/Phosphorus and 1 other I’m forgetting at the moment! Maybe K but not positive! MoG will know tho he’s a freaking pro at this stuff!
Ok I'm thinking it has to be the cal-mag...soon as I started giving it to my green stared doing the same as the others.....
Every water and feed
That’s your problem right there I’m guessing! Cut it out totally and see how they respond! In a SIP container u don’t need near the nutrients as u do in a fabric pit for example! I usually can go an entire grow starting with soil with food in it and topdressing craft blend going into flower! U can topwater in some flower teas for some extra goodies but u def don’t need to feed em a liquid drench of nutrients every watering! If anything I would topwater in the MC once a week and then fill the reservoir afterwards with just plain old water! Betting they’ll bounce back for u quickly! Tough cuz some toxicity issues look like deficiency issues so have u chasing stuff adding food when they are really already full and not needing anything!
These were water only in an earthbox and it’s 2 plants sharing the same box! Prob wouldn’t even have needed to topdress if only 1 plant but were both fighting for the same food so took a lil more then usual!
That’s your problem right there I’m guessing! Cut it out totally and see how they respond! In a SIP container u don’t need near the nutrients as u do in a fabric pit for example! I usually can go an entire grow starting with soil with food in it and topdressing craft blend going into flower! U can topwater in some flower teas for some extra goodies but u def don’t need to feed em a liquid drench of nutrients every watering! If anything I would topwater in the MC once a week and then fill the reservoir afterwards with just plain old water! Betting they’ll bounce back for u quickly! Tough cuz some toxicity issues look like deficiency issues so have u chasing stuff adding food when they are really already full and not needing anything!
I will do that....thanks so much for the help....I've been trying once a week and only water in it.....and no cal-mag....I've definitely been over feeding for sure says every water on the bag of mc... But I've been doing 3-4 times a week....