New Grower InkAddicts perpetual magical grow garden

I would not even look at DLI right now.

General setting for what I do = PPFD -

Seedling 200-300 PPFD
Early Veg: 400- 500 PPFD
Mid to Late Veg 500-600 PPFD
Early Flower 600-700 PPFD
Mid to Later flower 700- 1000 PPFD

If you have different plants at different stages you have to balance it out and compromise here and there. Some plants can take more in veg than others. You may have to dial down the PPFD a little, etc. Or you can run it higher. Like I say, it's easier to get a feel with a few less plants. Unless you don't care about the end result and just wanna go Western the whole way through.

Worry about DLI, etc when you get that sorted. But I don't think that the PPFD is your issue. I really don't know what the issue is tbh.
Vapo said it could be when you cut alot of leaves and the droop they sort of which could of caused burn... I guess....

I mean, I guess that could be. If you defoliated a lot at once I guess. I don't see that happen personally. Dunno if you did it to all of your plants. But in the future I would just try things on one plant and see what happens. If you did something wacky too late (or early) in the grow you could shock them I guess. It's a plant, like other plants, so...not a lot of mystery.
Ok I guess I'll move my lights back down when I get home tonight...they will be off till 6 anyways....I'm going to use the photon app and put them at 800 ppfd is this suitable for preflower and flower?
Anything 800-1000 ppfd should be fine. I like to be as close to 1000ppfd as I can get once flowers begin to form. I don't use a meter or app to measure it. I just look at the manufacturers recommended hanging heights and ppfd charts. Between the manufacturers recommendations and the app you should be able to get a good idea your values. I'm guessing your problems aren't light related. I've been following along since day 1. My #1 guess as to why you are experiencing the problems you are is Ph related. I used R/O water for the first time on my last grow. And I had the same issues. I had a hard time getting the ph right. The R/0 itself was5.8- 6.0ph. But because it's pure water the ph is very unstable. On feed days I got it figured out. If I buffered the water with 50ppms of calmag then added my nutrients it would come out to a perfect 6.5. But on plain water days I wasn't sure what to do. If I add 50ppms of calmag only. At first it would read perfect 6.5-6.8. But After it sat for awhile the ph would jump to 8.0ph. Then I'd have to bring it back down to 6.5 with a ph down solution. If I wanted to give just plain R/o water it would be 5.8-6.0 ph which is lower than what I like it to be.but I also found towards the end of the grow that using an air stone On plain R/0 water for 24hrs would raise it to the right PH. On all grows before I used spring water. And I didn't have these was 6.8 before adding feed and 6.5 after. It was alot more stable.I'm going to start a thread on the proper way to use R/O water. I'll tag you and see if we both can learn something.
Anything 800-1000 ppfd should be fine. I like to be as close to 1000ppfd as I can get once flowers begin to form. I don't use a meter or app to measure it. I just look at the manufacturers recommended hanging heights and ppfd charts. Between the manufacturers recommendations and the app you should be able to get a good idea your values. I'm guessing your problems aren't light related. I've been following along since day 1. My #1 guess as to why you are experiencing the problems you are is Ph related. I used R/O water for the first time on my last grow. And I had the same issues. I had a hard time getting the ph right. The R/0 itself was5.8- 6.0ph. But because it's pure water the ph is very unstable. On feed days I got it figured out. If I buffered the water with 50ppms of calmag then added my nutrients it would come out to a perfect 6.5. But on plain water days I wasn't sure what to do. If I add 50ppms of calmag only. At first it would read perfect 6.5-6.8. But After it sat for awhile the ph would jump to 8.0ph. Then I'd have to bring it back down to 6.5 with a ph down solution. If I wanted to give just plain R/o water it would be 5.8-6.0 ph which is lower than what I like it to be.but I also found towards the end of the grow that using an air stone On plain R/0 water for 24hrs would raise it to the right PH. On all grows before I used spring water. And I didn't have these was 6.8 before adding feed and 6.5 after. It was alot more stable.I'm going to start a thread on the proper way to use R/O water. I'll tag you and see if we both can learn something.
Ok cool my ro water when I test it come out almost 10 pH I have to lower it everytime with pH down's my tap that is that high anyways....isnt it fine when I use the solution to lower it? I thought that's what it is for....I can check it a hour later to see if it do I stop it from raising back up?
I should add that the PPFD ranges above...they take into account that you don't have perfectly even light so there is going to be a range if you don't. Example late flower 700-1000 = your best light in your PAR Map of your tent, is around 1000 lower sites or sites off axis to the light would be closer to 700. Unless you have perfectly even light you'll likely get a range of PPFD in the tent/ across the canopy. Don't try to get everything at 1000 and have stuff at like 1800 PPFD or something crazy like that.
Ok cool my ro water when I test it come out almost 10 pH I have to lower it everytime with pH down's my tap that is that high anyways....isnt it fine when I use the solution to lower it? I thought that's what it is for....I can check it a hour later to see if it do I stop it from raising back up?
The water out of your tap is at a PH of 10? Is that city water?
This is the first that I hear you are starting with PH 10 water!

That is most certainly part of the issue. Whatever is raising the alkalinity to that level is probably what is hurting your grow.

PH scale is logarithmic, so that is seriously quite high.
It's like9.8 ppm of 470
This is the first that I hear you are starting with PH 10 water!

That is most certainly part of the issue. Whatever is raising the alkalinity to that level is probably what is hurting your grow.

PH scale is logarithmic, so that is seriously quite high.
I use a ro buddie for drop of ppm and pH solution to drop pH to 6.5...isnt that correct..I also add 50 ppm of cal-mag to every water...what am I supposed to do?