New Grower InkAddicts perpetual magical grow garden

I was just reading on it. It does remove Tds. So you are using R/o water. Water with that low of Ppms should be neutral ph. Is your water still reading 10.0 ph after filtering?
I adjust it with pH up and that not enough?
We don't drink are water we buy are drinking water...
Im guessing your problem is you're having to add a nice amount of ph down every watering. Especially if you're adding calmag to the 10.0ph water. Most calmag will raise ph and make it harder to lower.Over time that ph down will build up in your soil. Lowering it to levels not ideal for plants. When I buffer my RO with calmag. It's only to ensure I don't need ph adjusting solution. My store bought culligan R/0 is 0ppms and 6.0ph. When I add 50ppms of calmag it raises it to 7.0-8.0 when I add my nutrients it brings it back down to 6.5. If I added just calmag it comes out to high after sitting and needs ph down. If I add just nutrients it needs ph up. So in order to not need ph up or down i buffer with 50ppms of calmag then add my 1/4 strength feed and it comes out perfect. I'm not sure why your water would still be 10.0ph after all tds is removed. But im almost positive that having to use ph down every time is causing your problem.
Im guessing your problem is you're having to add a nice amount of ph down every watering. Especially if you're adding calmag to the 10.0ph water. Most calmag will raise ph and make it harder to lower.Over time that ph down will build up in your soil. Lowering it to levels not ideal for plants. When I buffer my RO with calmag. It's only to ensure I don't need ph adjusting solution. My store bought culligan R/0 is 0ppms and 6.0ph. When I add 50ppms of calmag it raises it to 7.0-8.0 when I add my nutrients it brings it back down to 6.5. If I added just calmag it comes out to high after sitting and needs ph down. If I add just nutrients it needs ph up. So in order to not need ph up or down i buffer with 50ppms of calmag then add my 1/4 strength feed and it comes out perfect. I'm not sure why your water would still be 10.0ph after all tds is removed. But im almost positive that having to use ph down every time is causing your problem.
Well that sucks...I'm confused on what to do then....
Im guessing your problem is you're having to add a nice amount of ph down every watering. Especially if you're adding calmag to the 10.0ph water. Most calmag will raise ph and make it harder to lower.Over time that ph down will build up in your soil. Lowering it to levels not ideal for plants. When I buffer my RO with calmag. It's only to ensure I don't need ph adjusting solution. My store bought culligan R/0 is 0ppms and 6.0ph. When I add 50ppms of calmag it raises it to 7.0-8.0 when I add my nutrients it brings it back down to 6.5. If I added just calmag it comes out to high after sitting and needs ph down. If I add just nutrients it needs ph up. So in order to not need ph up or down i buffer with 50ppms of calmag then add my 1/4 strength feed and it comes out perfect. I'm not sure why your water would still be 10.0ph after all tds is removed. But im almost positive that having to use ph down every time is causing your problem.
Can I do this every time with feed cause it does the same for me when I add 50 ppm of Cal mag to water then mix my solution it brings it to about 6.2-6.3...can I water like this every water?
Can I do this every time with feed cause it does the same for me when I add 50 ppm of Cal mag to water then mix my solution it brings it to about 6.2-6.3...can I water like this every water?
You probably have a few options. And I'd like to hear a few people chime in before you decide what to do next. I've never dealt with your specific problem and the last thing I want to do is give you bad advice. @420autoflower, @Waira, @Trichome farmer , @Mañ'O'Green, @420Forever
My first instinct is to tell you to find another water source. I'm confused at WHY the water is still 10.0 after being ran through an R/0 filter. If the Ppms are that low then I would assume it would have a neutral ph. But maybe some of the more experienced growers on here( I tagged a few that came to mind) will be able to help out. Especially now that there's a new piece to the puzzle. Before when you were saying you use RO water. I think we all assumed it was R/0 water with 0ppms and a neutral ph of 6.0. Now that we know it's 10.0ph starting out and you're having to use ph down alot. It narrows down why you are having issues. And it gets you one step closer to a solution. I'm going to get on Google and do some research. And give some of the experienced growers on here time to respond. Then hopefully we can come up with a plan.
Someting Wong! If your RO water is PH 10 you need a new membrane or your PH meter is way off? RO water from a good unit will be about 10 PPM and PH 7.

RO is nearly pure water, which has neutral pH of 7. But if it’s exposed to air, RO water drops down to an acidic pH range of 5 – 5.5. Why? Pure water is very hungry. it actually grabs CO2 right out of the air! Within about an hour, a glass of pure RO water can drop from a pH of 7 down to a pH of 5.5 or lower and become acidic water.

I always add 50 PPM of Calcium to RO and let it sit overnight then blend my nutrients. PH when done. It will still wander depending on what is living in the reservoir.
My first instinct is to tell you to find another water source. I'm confused at WHY the water is still 10.0 after being ran through an R/0 filter. If the Ppms are that low then I would assume it would have a neutral ph. But maybe some of the more experienced growers on here( I tagged a few that came to mind) will be able to help out. Especially now that there's a new piece to the puzzle. Before when you were saying you use RO water. I think we all assumed it was R/0 water with 0ppms and a neutral ph of 6.0. Now that we know it's 10.0ph starting out and you're having to use ph down alot. It narrows down why you are having issues. And it gets you one step closer to a solution. I'm going to get on Google and do some research. And give some of the experienced growers on here time to respond. Then hopefully we can come up with a plan.
Thanks man if it wasn't for you and everyone I wouldn't know what to do....I thought pH up and down was safe to use!!! But I can see now how it can cause a problem...I have another brand new ro buddie by a different company...maybe that one will work better...what do you think? It's worth a try....
Someting Wong! If your RO water is PH 10 you need a new membrane or your PH meter is way off? RO water from a good unit will be about 10 PPM and PH 7.

RO is nearly pure water, which has neutral pH of 7. But if it’s exposed to air, RO water drops down to an acidic pH range of 5 – 5.5. Why? Pure water is very hungry. it actually grabs CO2 right out of the air! Within about an hour, a glass of pure RO water can drop from a pH of 7 down to a pH of 5.5 or lower and become acidic water.

I always add 50 PPM of Calcium to RO and let it sit overnight then blend my nutrients. PH when done. It will still wander depending on what is living in the reservoir.
Ok I got a second brand new ro buddie from a different company I'll give a try and see plus I'm buying a Hanna pH/tds/ec pocket pen grow series for 225$ that should do it.....I got a cheap vivosun pH meter....thanks