New Grower InkAddicts perpetual magical grow garden

Just enjoy the ride. You don't have to race your way through it. I started out growing like 16 photos outside, it was a scramble for sure. And it wasn't a lot of fun at times. I do this for fun and the challenge. And if it's not fun, then I'm not going to do it. I love growing anything from canna to carrots though. And growing any plant is helpful in becoming a better canna grower. Some people get a rush from the stress and chaos. And I do too in certain things, like when I'm slammed with shirt orders. But my garden time is my free my mind time.

You don't have to take any of what I say seriously either. I just feel for you and how I would feel in the situation. There's a lot of info out there, and you kind of have to take it all in, and then decide what works for you. Easier to do on a smaller scale and then ramp up vs. starting big and then realizing you should have baby stepped a little more.

Anyway, I don't want to add any more thoughts in your head. I mix a little happy frog in with my coco, and I run Floraflex nutes indoors. But I'm at a point now where I am trying to push my autos to yield like a photo. Kind of Monster hunting in a way.

Good luck either way.
Just enjoy the ride. You don't have to race your way through it. I started out growing like 16 photos outside, it was a scramble for sure. And it wasn't a lot of fun at times. I do this for fun and the challenge. And if it's not fun, then I'm not going to do it. I love growing anything from canna to carrots though. And growing any plant is helpful in becoming a better canna grower. Some people get a rush from the stress and chaos. And I do too in certain things, like when I'm slammed with shirt orders. But my garden time is my free my mind time.

You don't have to take any of what I say seriously either. I just feel for you and how I would feel in the situation. There's a lot of info out there, and you kind of have to take it all in, and then decide what works for you. Easier to do on a smaller scale and then ramp up vs. starting big and then realizing you should have baby stepped a little more.

Anyway, I don't want to add any more thoughts in your head. I mix a little happy frog in with my coco, and I run Floraflex nutes indoors. But I'm at a point now where I am trying to push my autos to yield like a photo. Kind of Monster hunting in a way.

Good luck either way.
Ok I guess I'll move my lights back down when I get home tonight...they will be off till 6 anyways....I'm going to use the photon app and put them at 800 ppfd is this suitable for preflower and flower?
Photon app...
Migro input on photon app... My app always says remove diffuser when I put a piece of paper over mine just to see what it would do....
Yes, but if I'm not mistaken, he didn't test PHOTONE for Android. Because it hadn't been released yet? His photone results were from iOS only if you look at the graph again.

Android apps tested:

Light Sensor to PPFD
Tent Buddy
PPFD Meter

iOS apps tested:

He never tested the Android version of Photone because it didn't exist when he made the video. I see that the reviews of (recently released version of) Photone for Android are generally positive on the google play store. YMMV.
Yes, but if I'm not mistaken, he didn't test PHOTONE for Android. Because it hadn't been released yet? His photone results were from iOS only if you look at the graph again.

Android apps tested:

Light Sensor to PPFD
Tent Buddy
PPFD Meter

iOS apps tested:

He never tested the Android version of Photone because it didn't exist when he made the video. I see that the reviews of (recently released version of) Photone for Android are generally positive on the google play store. YMMV.
Its says he did it with a Samsung s20 android and wasn't accurate...I guess I'm reading it wrong...I'll use it I thought that's what he was talking about...the android...
Yes, but if I'm not mistaken, he didn't test PHOTONE for Android. Because it hadn't been released yet? His photone results were from iOS only if you look at the graph again.

Android apps tested:

Light Sensor to PPFD
Tent Buddy
PPFD Meter

iOS apps tested:

He never tested the Android version of Photone because it didn't exist when he made the video. I see that the reviews of (recently released version of) Photone for Android are generally positive on the google play store. YMMV.
I still don't understand all this ppfd and DLI full shits confusing...thanks though for pointing that out....I got a Motorola hope it's some what accurate...I'll set the ppfd to 800 when I get think that will be ok? Or what do you recommend... It stays about 82°f is that to hot?
This video and blog post was made in May of 2021. Photone Beta for Android wasn't released until August or September of 2021. So he made this 3-4 months before the Android version existed.

You may be able to rent a PAR meter and calibrate the app to it. I have thought about doing that myself. YMMV and good luck.
This video and blog post was made in May of 2021. Photone Beta for Android wasn't released until August or September of 2021. So he made this 3-4 months before the Android version existed.

You may be able to rent a PAR meter and calibrate the app to it. I have thought about doing that myself. YMMV and good luck.
I did too...500$ deposit oh well be wort it and 10$ a day then I won't have to buy one... Thanks
This video and blog post was made in May of 2021. Photone Beta for Android wasn't released until August or September of 2021. So he made this 3-4 months before the Android version existed.

You may be able to rent a PAR meter and calibrate the app to it. I have thought about doing that myself. YMMV and good luck.
Vapo said it could be when you cut alot of leaves and the droop they sort of which could of caused burn... I guess....