New Grower InkAddicts perpetual magical grow garden

Can you use this on seedlings ❓ I bought some.
That is not how you use a thread mark.

You need to understand that recharge is intended to Recharge the "soil microbes" in order to encourage them to produce nutrients from soil that is running out of the elements that the microbes feed on. It certainly is of little value to a fresh pot of soil with a seedling in it.
That is not how you use a thread mark.

You need to understand that recharge is intended to Recharge the "soil microbes" in order to encourage them to produce nutrients from soil that is running out of the elements that the microbes feed on. It certainly is of little value to a fresh pot of soil with a seedling in it.
I'm trying to figure this site out.
That is not how you use a thread mark.

You need to understand that recharge is intended to Recharge the "soil microbes" in order to encourage them to produce nutrients from soil that is running out of the elements that the microbes feed on. It certainly is of little value to a fresh pot of soil with a seedling in it.
I'm trying to figure this site out and someone on here told me to get some recharge and add it to pots. It would help.
No recharge. If you water correctly and have an air gap under the pot you will not need HydroGuard. But with big pots on the floor drainage can be a problem. In that case HydroGuard is good insurance.

Recharge is just that - it recharges soil that has run out of nutrients by adding carbohydrates and massive numbers of microbes to process any elements still in the pot. It is like hitting the nitrox bottle on a race car. But even with this the soil can run out of elements That is why you top dress.
I see @Mañ'O'Green in here thought I was gonna be ahead of him this is how he explained recharge to me and how to use in soil.
I see @Mañ'O'Green in here thought I was gonna be ahead of him this is how he explained recharge to me and how to use in soil.
Thank I appreciate your help I'm trying to figure this shit out... It's sort of a headache but I love that shit if it ain't a challenge ain't no fun......thanks again
Thank I appreciate your help I'm trying to figure this shit out... It's sort of a headache but I love that shit if it ain't a challenge ain't no fun......thanks again
Maybe I should just quit buying shit I think I may need. I see it on here and buy it just in case I run into a problem so I have it on hand.
You need to ask the question You put in the thread mark in the post. Then the tread mark will lead you back to that post in the future. It took forever to figure out what you were asking.

When you buy a fresh bag of good soil all of the microbes you need should be thriving in it. Every thing they need to live on should be there.

If that bag is old or has dried out you should re-wet it and give a good dose of Recharge, a couple of weeks for it to cook and it should be as good as new. Then you need only water to keep the microbes alive and happy for the next few weeks. After that top dressing with quality products on their schedule along with a boost of Recharge when the plants start to flower. Then the next important time is in late flower and it looks like the pot is running out of nutrients This is when Recharge is most valuable.
Maybe I should just quit buying shit I think I may need. I see it on here and buy it just in case I run into a problem so I have it on hand.
It is better to have the tools on the shelf and not need them than to need them and not have them.

You would not believe how much stuff I have. :crying:
Thank I appreciate your help I'm trying to figure this shit out... It's sort of a headache but I love that shit if it ain't a challenge ain't no fun......thanks again
Trust me it’s gonna be a challenge there is steep learning curve. Your going to have bad grows even when you get good. Just learn from them.

somthing to keep in mind “the best growers are the best note takers” IMO

Maybe I should just quit buying shit I think I may need. I see it on here and buy it just in case I run into a problem so I have it on hand.
I have 4 different brands of cal-mag I don’t use. And my soluble calcium just came today in the mail. If that tells you anything

so your are right there is no “magic sauce”