Growing wizard fingers...
Really interested in seeing how those light perform. Have considered buy one or two but been put off not finding any being used for journals to see the performance. Now I can sit back watch them work.
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I was a little gun shy about pulling the trigger on the lights for the same reason. No grows on the webz with them. Some quick initial thoughts on them:
They are warm. My intake air is coming in at around 58-60° these 2 lights burning together raise the temp in the 2x3x5 cab to 80°. Not actually a big con for me now because my basement is cold trending toward colder ( 45-50°). But it does mean they aren't making light as efficiently as they could be.
Build quality, fit, and finish are solid. For Chinese lights they are surprisingly well built.
My budget didn't allow for an Amare or other top shelf light, so I needed to roll with something like these.
The feature that really sold me was they are easily serviced. Being modular If a cob goes out the other three will still work, and I can replace it pretty quickly. Let's hope that I don't have to test this out tho!