Outdoor Hillbilly Rig-A New Adventure

Day 15
Finishing a day in the sun

3 days ago I watered and sprayed with kelp. Is it me or is kelp like magic at this age? Seems like it exploded overnight!:yoinks:
Getting as much sun as possible every day now. Sits out until bedtime, midnightish, for its rest. Then back under the lights in the hillbilly rig.
Day 34-Any idea what might cause the leaves to look like this?
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funnee, cuz pretty much all the leavez on all me photoz were lookin like that about a week ago, but then it pretty much all went away, lol :rofl: :shrug: in my case, i'm convinced it ain't bugz tho, so who knowz, lol :doh: ppp