Outdoor Hillbilly Rig-A New Adventure

Help! What is this? It’s pretty widespread under the leaves.
Help! What is this? It’s pretty widespread under the leaves.View attachment 1474040
JESUS! You sure missed that build up!
Looks like aphids of some sort. If they are soft-bodied, which it looks like, Dr Zymes should make quick work of them.
A strong stream of water will knock them off and if they are feeding on the plant, it will knock them off with their sucker still in the plant and it will kill them.
JESUS! You sure missed that build up!
Looks like aphids of some sort. If they are soft-bodied, which it looks like, Dr Zymes should make quick work of them.
A strong stream of water will knock them off and if they are feeding on the plant, it will knock them off with their sucker still in the plant and it will kill them.
Thanks @WildBill I totally missed it! The plant has looked fine so I haven’t been as attentive as I should. I hit it with neem. How do you think that will work? I plucked the leaves that were infested.
Thanks @WildBill I totally missed it! The plant has looked fine so I haven’t been as attentive as I should. I hit it with neem. How do you think that will work? I plucked the leaves that were infested.
I haven't used neem, but I think it will work.
HomeDepot often carries the Captain Jacks bug killer sprays. They work very well and if you want to get on it TODAY instead of waiting on amazon, might be worth a look.

The Bonide Captain Jacks Deadbug covers a lot of different insects

Thanks @DCLXVI I had neem on hand so I used that. If that doesn’t work, I’ll check that out since it is available locally. I’m just glad I finally noticed! It was on my deck and I was watering my flower beds so I was looking up at it and saw the underside of the leaves :yoinks:
It's crazy how sometimes one plant will attract a bug that none of the others are impacted by. Last summer I had 8 strains outside, and only the Gorilla Cookies had a fair amount of very tiny bugs, they didn't touch the others just inches away. The little buggers got smoked... probably should have washed that one.
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Help! What is this? It’s pretty widespread under the leaves.View attachment 1474040

:yoinks: lookz like aphidz, lil fuckin bastardz! :cuss: had to deal with thoze fuckerz a couple yearz ago & was more or less able to keep em in check, BUT, the end quality of the bud suffered immensely as a rezult, becuz aphidz suck the life force from a plant, literally, so...:wall: ppp