Outdoor Hillbilly Rig-A New Adventure

Getting ready to head Colorado. Finally getting to go to Red Rocks for a concert we bought tickets for 2 years ago!

Will be gone for 5 days so PBR will have to survive on its own. To give it a better chance at making it 5 days without being watered, I dug a hole by my rhubarb for it to sit in. That will at least keep the soil from baking in the sun. Will water with AN Bloom to runoff right before we leave.

Fingers crossed.
Great looking plant! Is that crawl space protected or is it fairly open to the outside? I could see you building a small grow room in there. Seal off a small corner and have a nice controlled environment.
It has vents but stays somewhat consistent. I’ve tossed that idea around in my brain several times. Would need to have an electrician install proper outlets, currently running an extension cord. Humidity control would be a battle as it tends to range from 85-92% :yoinks: