New Grower Hey Ho, Let's Grow! LEDs/Autopots

Nickels and dimes! Schwag and Skunk is what we called it! Or sometimes ditch weed or dungeon dope.
:crying:And let’s not get started with the dealers. I had one that made me stay and play video games so it looked like I was visiting him. Another would have me park somewhere and then he would come to the window and quickly throw the weed in and grab the money. I also had a mobile dealer on a ten speed with a beeper. So many dealers.
The girls have filled the tent in nicely. I’m very happy with the super soil and have been thinking of mixing my own. I was reading subcool’s instructions and all of a sudden he says about mixing the bags of dirt and other additives, “and it’s good exercise.” That’s scared me a little because I’m way out of shape. I started sweating when I took the pictures below. :crying:

I’m also very happy with the seeds. They are Oasis Genetics from True North Seedbank. They were buy one get one and 1/2 off, which is why I bought them, but the gamble paid off. 100% germination and they’re very robust plants.

Anyway the girls are all starting to flower now. They’re a bit staggered in their development so perhaps that will make it an easier harvest. I’m estimating harvest will be at the end of March or beginning of April.

Been chatting in Live Stoner Chat about my involvement in the Prop 215 - California Campassionate Use Act 1996. I played a small part - gathered signatures to get the proposition on the California ballot. Because of this, I was able to visit the very first medical marijuana dispensaries- first in Dennis Peron’s apartment in the Castro in San Francisco. He had begun giving his lover marijuana to help him with AIDS related symptoms. He then began selling it to other AIDS patients and sufferers of other conditions. Being gay, I’m proud that this gay man started this march towards legalization. I really hope people remember him.

The second dispensary had it’s grand opening after prop 215 passed. It was a multi-level building in downtown San Francisco. The grand opening party was awesome. Plenty of cool people and plenty of little niches with comfy places to sit and medicate. What I remember most is the tall stacks of plastic containers on wheels the weed was transported in. I’d never seen so much weed in my life.

Prop 215 opened the door to other states passing similar laws that legitimized marijuana for medical use and to the legalization we enjoy now. I’m proud to have had a small part in that.

My Prop 215 memorabilia:
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That’s awesome accomplishment, Dream! Thanks for sharing. You should be very very proud!

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Thanks for your kind words Iriee!
That’s awesome accomplishment, Dream! Thanks for sharing. You should be very very proud!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
The girls have grown so tall that one of them started to get light burn. The plant that got Lightburn has been the most sensitive from the beginning, also showing burnt tips at various times throughout the grow, Meanwhile, her sisters grew fine with no burns. It’s the same here — she’s the only one affected by the light burn. She’s a bit of a princess I guess.

I super cropped some of her branches and lifted the light three more inches. I had to rig it to get it that high. I hope she’s happy now because I can’t get it any higher. They’re all flowering now. Can’t wait for these buds to fatten up.

They’re still on the same reservoir mixed a week ago. Few more days before I refill it.

Sorry guys- I didn’t feel like hooking up the white light, so we have burple. The lighter colored leaves are where burn was occurring. Those branches are all bent now.


And from the nanny cam:

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