New Grower Hey Ho, Let's Grow! LEDs/Autopots

Looking great, Dream! Nice job! The plants will love it!

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“Keep Eden’s bowels moving!!!” — just made my whole day Iriee! :crying:

NewDream OMG your tent exploded! Proof llama shit fucking works!!! Holy shit I’m a believer. I admit I was a doubter at first — I saw you pouring that shit into the hydroponic reservoir and thought to myself, “NO!” But what did I know? Those girls are jaw dropping beautiful, lush, healthy.

I have an idea that might help with your canopy and if this was already discussed and I missed it I apologize. I’ve had a few things going on in my tent. But what about supercropping? I think it would be great in this situation — and at the perfect time too. I supercropped my girls and looking back it was one of the best things I did. I ended up doing the top 3 colas of each plant or thereabouts, and the budding on the portion I folded down easily tripled. I was actually going to take some pics today of the supercropped colas specifically because I can’t believe the effect it had myself.

Wow — really looking good in there NeaDream, inspiring. :cheers:
Hey DG Llama poop isn’t loose like say a cow or horse’s poop. It’s little round pebbles, like rabbit poop, and it keeps its shape and doesn’t disintegrate in the water. So you’re basically just making a tea when you put the llama poop bag in there. It actually works really well in the reservoir. It doesn’t smell bad either. In fact it has little smell at all. ( which may be why llamas walk with their heads high, like their shit don’t stink. lol)

Now, the roots organic supplements I probably shouldn’t put in my reservoir, but I have been at about 1/2 or lowest strength recommended. So far it’s going well, but I’m vigilant about catching a clog if one happens. And this is the stuff that stinks.
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Yes eden the llama! From whose bowels comes the magic plant food. I want a llama kinda. They’re cute. But I think they spit.
Haha! You should get one! Just put a muzzle for the spit. New Dream's Llama Poo.... ha a nice ring. I know I would buy some!
Been chatting in Live Stoner Chat about my involvement in the Prop 215 - California Campassionate Use Act 1996. I played a small part - gathered signatures to get the proposition on the California ballot. Because of this, I was able to visit the very first medical marijuana dispensaries- first in Dennis Peron’s apartment in the Castro in San Francisco. He had begun giving his lover marijuana to help him with AIDS related symptoms. He then began selling it to other AIDS patients and sufferers of other conditions. Being gay, I’m proud that this gay man started this march towards legalization. I really hope people remember him.

The second dispensary had it’s grand opening after prop 215 passed. It was a multi-level building in downtown San Francisco. The grand opening party was awesome. Plenty of cool people and plenty of little niches with comfy places to sit and medicate. What I remember most is the tall stacks of plastic containers on wheels the weed was transported in. I’d never seen so much weed in my life.

Prop 215 opened the door to other states passing similar laws that legitimized marijuana for medical use and to the legalization we enjoy now. I’m proud to have had a small part in that.

My Prop 215 memorabilia:
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Bravo NewDream! Being involved must have been SO cool. It’s the 22 year anniversary — can’t believe it’s been that long. The times they are achanging, slow and sure. :pighug:
22 years! It’s crazy. I’ve gotten so old. I remember when there were 2 kinds of weed - brown from Mexico and Green from Humboldt. Lol. “ I remember when a dime bag costed a dime.”

It does feel good to have been a part though.