New Grower Hey Ho, Let's Grow! LEDs/Autopots

Thanks for the advice. I’m leaning towards Marshydro. I’d feel better buying from that company than from some off brand on Amazon. Too many reviews of lights that stop working or burn hot and the companies not honoring warranties.

They really are good lights, plus you already have a feel for that light and there will be no learning curve on your first grow with them together in the new tent. I really do believe, they are better than just a plain cob light, and they are still very efficient lights as well. You will grow huge, dank, stinky, tasty nugs on those lights for real.

Whatever you decide, good luck. There are so many other things you could spend your money on. Those Mars lights work great.

I will be watching. Feel free to ask any more questions, there are so many great people here, or you can PM me if you need any specifics.

Rock on bro!:headbang::headbang::headbang:
I’ve been getting some yellowing and I’m not sure what it is. I’m guessing the girls aren’t too happy with my additives so I diluted my reservoir solution by 1:1 with water. Hmm- maybe should just have stuck with llama poop and water. Hopefully the yellowing won’t worsen. On the early girl the yellow leaves turn red/purple. I’m thinking that’s a mutation because I can’t find any references to that anywhere. The other plants however, I’m not sure what to think. It’s not a lot of yellowing. Just a few leaves. And the ph is good - 6-6.5 Is it yellowing because they’re flowering? Did I burn them with my solution? Is it genetic? Just keeping my fingers crossed and watching.

The girls are getting more ripe all the time, but sooo slowly. I can’t wait for the next month buds hopefully fatten up. The princess plant is still throwing fits - she had a lot of dying leaves and what looks like nute burn - ends burning and curling up. I did quite a bit of defoliating on her and there’s still more I could do if I could reach it. The others are not so effected, as usual. They are fine while princess struggles. I’ve decided to just let her do her thing and clean up dead leaves as she goes. She’s still growing nice buds after all.

Tomorrow I plan to clean out the reservoir and just stick to llama brew. I think I’m adding too much to my solution and don’t really need to. I should just be letting soil do it’s work.

I purchased my 4x8 and ordered a second Mars Hydro Reflector. After this grow I plan to put it all together and do 6 plants in Autopots.

Here’s some pics of alll four plants. They’re 4-5 weeks into flowering now. Except for the early girl with all the yellow and red foliage- she’s about 1-2 weeks ahead of the others.

The girls are getting more ripe all the time, but sooo slowly. I can’t wait for the next month buds hopefully fatten up. The princess plant is still throwing fits - she had a lot of dying leaves and what looks like nute burn - ends burning and curling up. I did quite a bit of defoliating on her and there’s still more I could do if I could reach it. The others are not so effected, as usual. They are fine while princess struggles. I’ve decided to just let her do her thing and clean up dead leaves as she goes. She’s still growing nice buds after all.

Tomorrow I plan to clean out the reservoir and just stick to llama brew. I think I’m adding too much to my solution and don’t really need to. I should just be letting soil do it’s work.

I purchased my 4x8 and ordered a second Mars Hydro Reflector. After this grow I plan to put it all together and do 6 plants in Autopots.

Here’s some pics of alll four plants. They’re 4-5 weeks into flowering now. Except for the early girl with all the yellow and red foliage- she’s about 1-2 weeks ahead of the others.

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Wow, that's a lot of weed! I can't imagine what the tent will look like in three weeks!
Playing with the camera.

some whopper buds developing there are they hand fed or on a res pal
It’s back focusing on you. What type of camera is it?

Buds look huge and colorful!
Just using an iPhone 7. Playing with portrait mode a bit.
some whopper buds developing there are they hand fed or on a res pal
They’re on a reservoir- Autopots. They’ve yellowed quite a bit. Pulled back on nutes. They’re just on water and llama tea now.