Help!! first try AF not going very well

I've now put 2 wet rags and a tub of water in the box. Humidity meter showing 24.6 Rh and thermometer 76.8 F. I'm debating whether to turn off the heater overnight and close the cabinet completely. Medium feels quite dry for the first inch or more but my moisture meter shows "wet" when I stick it down close to the bottom. Should I still wait to water and let the roots search for moisture?
She looks alot better now that you got your temps up. See how she is reaching up "praying to the ganja gods"? That means she is liking things and getting ready to put on some growth. Your color looks good too. I think you are getting on the right track, good job. Oh, and let me be the first to rep you.:slap:
Hey everyone. Quick question...

I'm still battling cold outdoor temps up here so I've been blowing hot air from a space heater into the slightly open cabinet door which has beenkeeping temps around the low to mid 70's. My problem is I am not only worried about a fire hazard(running it 24hrs) but my hydro bill. My humidity has also gotten as high as only 24%.

I have went out and purchased a warm mist humidifier that will fit inside the cabinet and should allow me to fully close both doors. Does anyone have any experience with these and would you think the warm mist is enough to bring the temps up as well as humidity?

This may not be a normal situation but I'm just looking for some advice and or past experience.


Pic as of this morning...


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Keeping in mind im using 2x150 W CFL which don't give off much heat...
So this is the little one as of this morning. I've managed to take away the heater and run a seperate light inside the box which is giving off decent heats. Temps getting up to low 70's through the day and Rh in the 40% range.


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Would I be better off keeping the fan running inside the box(not directly on the plant a this age is better, from what I've be reading) or turning it off altogether to allow the temps to stay higher? The cabinet door have spaces around them so I'm wondering if that air flow is enough.


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So I decided to start over with much more ideal growing environment. Same cabinet but updated


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Looks like it is gaining...keep it up

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