Help!! first try AF not going very well

Morning guys. She's going out to catch a few rays

Day 24


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I think she's a little stunted...maybe. She'll start to take off soon. Gotta fill out a little before she turns into a beautiful woman lol. :'-)
Really eh? Stunted? That's a buzzkill lol she has ha 2 transplants and was under CFL's so maybe that's why? She's been outside during the day for the last couple so hopefully she will take off soon. I've already noticed some height growth in the last 48hrs, as much as an inch and a half
Really eh? Stunted? That's a buzzkill lol she has ha 2 transplants and was under CFL's so maybe that's why? She's been outside during the day for the last couple so hopefully she will take off soon. I've already noticed some height growth in the last 48hrs, as much as an inch and a half
If I'm not mistaken, transplanting can sometimes shock the lil ladies and while cfl's put off usable light that you can grow with, it doesn't throw off a lot. Like if you were to put your plant with the cfl's next to say the same plant under a 600w hps, the hps one is gonna be considerably larger. But not to discourage you my friend! Our first was done with cfl's just to see if we could and we ended up with almost a half oz of free nugs!:) So whatever your goals are with growing, never stop trying to learn and better yourself. And from what I can see, you're on your way! Your girl looks good and like she's loving the sun! I'd keep placing her out there as often as you can or have the opportunity to. They love that sh*t lol! But she's doing great bro.
Thanks @Coffee&Kush . I'm hoping that because she was only under the CFL's for a couple weeks that it won't affect yield all that much. The plan is to keep her outside from this point on. She's had 2 full days out there so far and I've noticed a 2+ inch gain in height since saturday when I transplanted. She's approx 7" tall from soil to the very top. Here's a comparison I took just now. Figured I would enjoy a cold one at the same...oh and support my Blue Jays lol


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Heeeeeeell yeah! She looks good! You can still get some nice size buds from a stunted plant too. But I think you're gonna do just fine! I'm excited to watch her progress! Enjoy your brew and (insert whichever extracurricular activities you'd like lol) and have a great rest of the night!
Don't worry we all started off somewhere iv never grown with CFL but from what I know they need to be ad close as possible without hurting the plant I would recommend about 8 inch away n yeah she'll grow just becarefull not to overwater
Don't worry we all started off somewhere iv never grown with CFL but from what I know they need to be ad close as possible without hurting the plant I would recommend about 8 inch away n yeah she'll grow just becarefull not to overwater
Most CFLs can be put as close as 2in. I have only used CFLs to grow autos, and after about the second week I put lights as close as 2-3inches. Both 2700k and 6500k. Also 3500k real close in flower.
Gave her a drink last night with a mix of 1/2 strength GH Floralicious Plus and full strength GH Rapid Grow. I swear she's gained an inch in height overnight, whether or not the nutes had anythin to do with it, she's looking happy and healthy this morning.


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