Help!! first try AF not going very well

Dude she's looking great man. Really moving along for you, I'm glad this one is working out! Great size man
I may have asked this already but I'm looking to raise my humidity. It's currently 23p% which is pretty low from what I've read. Maybe it's just me but the large leaves seem to be dry and pointing downwards(not brittle) bu I would think they should be soft to the touch. Don't really want to put a humidifier in such a small area so I'm looking for a sure fire method to raise the RH. RRight now I have 4 large glass jars filled with water in all 4 corners of the box.


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Well she's at the 3 week mark now and outside fo fo full day of sunshine for the first time. I transplanted into a bigger pot on Friday. She seems to being doing great so far. This is her this morning.


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Enjoying a little sun bathing this afternoon


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I am dude for sure. Still deciding whether she is at the size she should be at 3 weeks. what do you think?