Help!! first try AF not going very well

Be outside is not by choice but unfortunately "the boss" won't allow it in the house :(. I have an old kitchen cabinet that I may try and rig up as grow box. With a thermometer sitting right beside the pot, it is showing approx 12 Celsius. If I can rig up the box(and not create a fire hazard) im sure that would help with temps.
Yeah as it would trap heat wich is normally a bad thing but right now would help
Those bulbs will be great..add some more in soft white when she flowers. Anything you can do to help keep it warm will be good
ok so just got home from work and checked on the little one. No growth(at least not obvious) but it now looks as though the 2 "serated" leaves are starting to droop slightly. I put a small amount of water around the base late last night. I'm getting to the point that I may try and taker her out and re-plant into a smaller pot even red beer cup to give her a new this a bad idea? if the current small watt lights are too close would that cause slight dropping of the leaves?

I have to admit, I am also thinking about starting over with a new seed. At least now I have quite a bit more knowledge with help from you guys

Man this is frustrating...
Just gotta be patient.. From what I've read, most autos start slow.. and are very sensitive..they also don't like to be transplanted..(something about their massive taproot..idk) But if you can keep it alive for at least 30 days, it should start to really take off after that.. I'm no expert, and I'm on my first auto grow as well.. But this is all true in my experience
ok so just got home from work and checked on the little one. No growth(at least not obvious) but it now looks as though the 2 "serated" leaves are starting to droop slightly. I put a small amount of water around the base late last night. I'm getting to the point that I may try and taker her out and re-plant into a smaller pot even red beer cup to give her a new this a bad idea? if the current small watt lights are too close would that cause slight dropping of the leaves?

I have to admit, I am also thinking about starting over with a new seed. At least now I have quite a bit more knowledge with help from you guys

Man this is frustrating...
I'd leave her where she sits and NOT transplant her. What are your temps and humidity? What medium are you using? Can you post a pic or two in natural light? All these things make troubleshooting a bit easier for the both of us. We want to get you sorted, so do let us know.:thumbsup:
Patience is def not my strong suit. I just thought she would be bigger by now. The highe wattage bulbs are going on tn and I'm hoping I can build a make shift grow box out of an old cabinet I have.
I'd leave her where she sits and NOT transplant her. What are your temps and humidity? What medium are you using? Can you post a pic or two in natural light? All these things make troubleshooting a bit easier for the both of us. We want to get you sorted, so do let us know.:thumbsup:

She in a mix of pro mix with some added perlite. Temps are fairly low due to the fact I have her in a shed up here in the great white north. Currently running a space heater and the thermometer sitti right next to the pot is showin approx 12 degrees celcius. Not sure on humidity at the moment(nothing to gauge that). I'm putting her under some stronger bulbs tn and hopefully in a cabinet.

I'll try to get an update pic in a little while but we're dark here right now.

I have a feeling she might be water logged as I pre soaked the soil a week ago before I put the germinated seed in and have watered slightly a few times since.

She's in a 12" round pot(equiv to 5 gallons I think)

Any help is greatly appreciated.
Gotta get the temps up mate, or she will never grow! 18*c to 28*c would be optimal. Looking for about 40% humidity or better in veg and closer to 30-40% humidity in flower. If you think she is waterlogged, dont give her any. Cannabis likes to be almost bone dry in the pot, searching for water! Place your finger in the medium up to your second knuckle, if the medium sticks to your finger, too wet or if the pot feels heavy when you lift it, let it go a few days. If it feels lite, water just a little bit. It wont make much difference what you do, if you cant get your temps up. She will stay small or even die with the temps you have.
I'm working on a cabinet right now. But here is a pic


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My attempt at a grow box. Have a small fan running inside as well as a space heater. I don't want to overheat so I think I will get the box to 28 degrees, shut off the heater and close both doors.(also a little paranoid with the heater and fire hazard). IMG_20160406_213424.jpg