Help!! first try AF not going very well

Finished product(fan not seen). With this new set up, do you think her growth will speed up?


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It's your temperature. No offence, but you seem like you try to overdo things. Going from 12-28 degrees is a killer. Slow down. Take it easy.
We all know how hard it is to have the patience and move forward slowly. That's your best option now. Try to reach 18 degrees for a few days and then up to 24 and try to keep it there. It's not important if it's 20, 22 or 26 degrees. It's important you try to keep it at the same level. Outside now is a challenge. Best of luck and did I mention; slow down? :thumbsup: :goodluck:
Yep, go slow mate! I know your bursting at the seams, but she will take off once the temps are up a bit. SAFETY first and dont want to see you burn the house down! Keep a real close eye on it and the temps. My biggest concern is air circulation and cooking your roots in a small area, with a heater. Be very careful and here is a cheap temp/humidity guage for under 10 bucks USD.
temp guage.jpg

Great tool to have in your arsenal, along with a good ph pen. I would look into an accurate 8 soil probe if you really are serious about dialing your stuff in! I know these things cost money, but all 3 take the guess work out of fixing potential problems.:thumbsup:
:eek1:-- Ah! I should have asked! I assumed you were in a nice warm tent or something :doh:,... low T is hampering growth for sure as well! This will really become an issue later if you don't get lowest T above 50F at night,... several nutrients uptake and transport are restricted by constant cold T, causing defc.'s to occur,... Plus seedlings really need more consistent warm T's for a proper start too... well, do what you can mate! :goodluck:
Thanks gents. I'm keeping one of the cabinet doors slightly open with the heater facing in which brought the temp up to a steady 26 deg or so. Hoping the air flow will be ok with door open slightly and small fan running inside.

I'll try and find the humidity meter. What do you normally use to control humidity/adjust?
Thanks gents. I'm keeping one of the cabinet doors slightly open with the heater facing in which brought the temp up to a steady 26 deg or so. Hoping the air flow will be ok with door open slightly and small fan running inside.

I'll try and find the humidity meter. What do you normally use to control humidity/adjust?
If humidity is low I put in an open tub filled with water it helps raise it
I've now put 2 wet rags and a tub of water in the box. Humidity meter showing 24.6 Rh and thermometer 76.8 F. I'm debating whether to turn off the heater overnight and close the cabinet completely. Medium feels quite dry for the first inch or more but my moisture meter shows "wet" when I stick it down close to the bottom. Should I still wait to water and let the roots search for moisture?


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