Help!! first try AF not going very well

Ok so maybe I am over thinking this but when I came home today it looks as though the fan leaves are slightly drooping. Would you say I'm right or no? Some definet growth of the second set coming through. Temps 79f 31% rH



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There is nothing wrong with your seedling and the new leaves always start out like that the as they grow they will straighten out.After you do a few grows and watch the plants grow you will learn what is normal growth and what is not.
Starting to see very noticeable growth on a daily basis. This is her just now and both sets of leaves are bigger since this morning.


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I didn't even notice to be honest but i'll take another closer look next time I go out to check on her. But I do think it probably is dirt. It amazes me how quickly they grow once the leavves come in. So if tomorrow is exactly one week since she broke soil, still wait until day 10-14 for any nutes?

Pot feeling a little light so I may do a small watering tonight or tomorrow. The guy at the seedbank today told me "always remember, marijuana plants don't like their feet wet" lol