Its been a while since I posted an update here. Last year I made the decision to stop drinking and smoking. Just a personal thing for my own health and wellness. I was drinking dangerously too much, my liver enzymes were off the charts, and I wasn't in a great place. I decided to just quit everything cold turkey.
My wife uses weed medicinally, and it has helped her get off all of her medications including anxiety and depression meds.
And its much cheaper for me to grow it than it is to go to the dispensary. While I would definitely love a good joint, I know that it wouldn't be great for my alcohol sobriety and possibly trigger a relapse, so for now I am staying sober. But, I am growing for my wife. And I'll continue to post now and then as I do enjoy the feedback and advice.
I am also in a much better place mentally and physically than I was 8 months ago. I've lost weight, gotten my health under control and my bloodwork all comes back in the green now. The back and joint pain that I was smoking and drinking to deal with has pretty much gone away now that I've gotten the alcohol bloat and weight off of me. I am also a lot happier and a lot more active which I attribute to getting the alcohol out of my life as well.
So, you will have to excuse me if I can't give taste reports
I also want to be clear that I pass zero judgement on anyone else. I am doing what I think is best for me. My wife on the other hand partakes in weed daily. I bought her a Planet of the Vapes Lobo dry herb vape for a late Christmas present.
That all being out of the way....
Last year I had won a drawing for a Speedrun seeds $50 gift card.
I ordered a mutlipack of seeds from their site.
I am starting 3 of them in DWC.
Blappleberry was started 1-8
And Witness Protection
and Grand Exchange were started today.
I am also growing 2 runtz in smaller containers. One to reverse with STS for pollen, and one for flower.
I am also trying something new, growing in just coco coir.
This is Blue Strawberry (Blue Microverse x Strawberry Milk and Qookies) and Blue Funke (Blue Microverse x Sugar Cookies)
I have a few other crosses I'll be growing as well and will show when the seedlings start coming up.
The Runtz that I reverse sex will be used to make crosses with a number of these, just to restock my seed stores for future grows.
My wife likes very fruity strains, so the Runtz crosses will be something she will definitely enjoy.
I also laugh at the idea of Blappleberry x Runtz because I could call it "Bluntz".
Still waiting to sprout are....
Orange Diesel x Stone Dragon
Grape Soda
Sugar Cookies RBX1 (Blue Funke x Sugar Cookies)
The Grape Soda are very slow to sprout, but if both come up I plan on reversing one of those as well for making feminized crosses.
I think it would be interesting to do both Grape Soda x Runtz and Runtz x Grape Soda and see which inherits more from which side.
Also thinking that (Orange Diesel x Stone Dragon) x Grape Soda would potentially be interesting, and if my wife reports it picks up both orange and grape, it could be known as a "Suicide". Remember when you were a kid and would fill your drink cup with a little of each option from the soda fountain?