Day 15…. the twins are hungry again…one thing about growing two plants in the one pot, usually you get one that really wants to dominate, if you're lucky all things are even, as was the case with my first attempt with the BAM, sometimes it's very one sided. i'm now going to get the outside canes in place and later i'll try to show the next stage of training. Until then a couple of pics.


Day 16…. No1 has shown it's girly bits.


And is getting its bush on….pulled the top of the plant way down now.


The baby has also been bent over now.


The twins have just had another feed of Fish-Mix at 2ml, these are two hungry plants. I'll get some picks up of the next part of the cane training soon.
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Looking swell Hazy. It will be interesting to see the difference in the canes and LST.

Yes i'm hoping to transfer the idea to LST without the canes on individual plants…I think the way i've started the plants near one end of the pot, should really help make room to bend the plant over enough to stop it rising above the side branches. Time will tell.
Masterclass in here! :D

hazeeeee! your an amazing teacher, patient and informative :bow:I just invested in a cane company, I see explosive sales ahead:thumbsup:canin will beat lst everytime.:bighug::cheers:

You're far too kind Blue……. Dad lay off the meds, time to put your money into string.
Day 16…. Part Deux. The canes.

Ok good people let's get down to business…and the whole point of this silly cane carry on... so what is the point?

It's about attempting to force extra growth from the plants by manipulating them to do things by tricking the plant. In the picture you can see how the side branch of the ANQ is held down after the first node, the idea is to keep the top of the side branch low, until the two developing branches at the first node start growing and then let them grow up at the same rate, so as to develop three branches.


So instead of having a side branch with a single bloom and a little popcorn bud running down its length, we can force another two blooms from one branch. Here is an example from a previous grow of how the technic works. as you can see the plant has been stripped down, just to show an individual side branch developed in the way above described.


Of course there is a limit to how much you can force from an individual auto plant, due to its short vegative phase. but with two plants in a pot you can really force an amazing amount of bloom. Here is the first ever cane grow on the BAM.


I hope this explains the idea behind this canin' malarky.
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