Hey Yozhic good questions… ideally i like to start them this early…lol. This is from my last grow, before i took a forced break.

As i didn't have the soil high enough to the top of the pot this grow, i've had to wait till now. So waiting this long is my error and not something i had planned, here are few more of the training from the last grow at various stages.

So essentially, while they're still in nappies ... the sooner the better.
A case of start as you intend to go on?

The idea is to end up with something like this.




When I first saw this grow, and these pics, my jaw hit the ground.
There are no words.


Hey Hazy, thanks again for all the advice...I decided to go gently on my girls and LST them very slowly. Here is the pic, as promissed:

the taller sister first


The small sister is so compact that you cant even notice that she is at an angle.
Day 14. So after getting pushed over yesterday the plants have responded very positively. What i'm trying to do is to get the side branches to pass the top of the plant at this point, the sooner the apical dominance can be interrupted the better. Here is one of the twins this morning.


If you look to the left of the picture you can se the top of a side branch already out and about, and in this picture it shows that it is almost level with the top of the plant. The top of the plant will be held down quite aggressively now to allow the side branches to develop further, then soon the outside canes will be put in place for the next stage of the training, which is to try to create three large blooms on each one, rather then just one satellite bud.


Here is No1 again the side branching is starting to develop, this will be dealt with in the same way, holding the top of the plant down, to allow the side branches to pass it as early as possible.


Hope you all had a good halloween. Enjoy the rest of the weekend my stoner friends.
Thanks for all the positive comments and slaps…..Glad to hear so many are enjoying this as much as i am. Here is a macro of the side branch on one of the twins, the two developing branches you can see, are the ones that i will be attempting to bring on. If you want to see all its little hairy wonder, click on the pic to get right in there.
