Indoor Have to start somewhere. I hope...

Can you tell with these pics?


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They look good. Still babies and doing what they want. When are they going into the final containers?
I would go on and do it so they dont get rootbound.
Monday update:
(Sorry for quality, phone is horrible for pics)

11 days old
Fed some Sensi bloom A&B for first time today. So far they're growing daily except one is skinner and darker green, while other (Sox cup) is wider and lighter green. Came from same batch so not sure what that means. Temps have been consistent 68-70F and Humidity at 52-60%


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Just went down to say goodnight to the girls (I hope), and I noticed 3-4 tiny flies. I can put a sticky fly catcher in there, right? And how big of an issue are those... No clue how they got there

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Yes sticky traps. You can grind uo mosquito dunks and put on the soil surface. It can turn into a big deal!
It's so tough to tell if it's under watering or over watering. One plant is "droopy", the 1g plant, and I saw those little flies , so I'm assuming it's over watering. But every time except once I've vacuum the extra water that collects in the tray. At this point should I still be waiting 3-5 in between watering, or...?

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Really just see when it needs water. Too moist soil will get the insects going! Im only watering 2 oz at a time. If its questionable only 1 oz.