Indoor Have to start somewhere. I hope...

Transplant is looking fine. I think... Not sure if I should water it again or wait a few more days?
I realized I was dumb and didn't mix my nutes properly , which resulted in the deficiencies. Instead of mixing the proper amounts I half assed and did it by the eye mixed into a glass of water. That ratio was obv way off. For now on I will mix the proper amounts in a 2 Liter bottle.
Was thinking "flush" each plant in a couple days , and the last amount I dump into them mix in a lighter dose of nutes and start "fresh". Or should I use the cal mag liquid instead of bloom

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Did they burn or what? Was it too much nutes and did you adjust ph? What water do you use, tap or distilled
Burns on a couple leaves, doesn't seem too bad. Maybe 2-3 at most. No adjustment and too many nutes. For next time I will
PH after, wasn't aware of that. And I use tap water that get filtered and PH sits at 6.0-6.2, should be good right?

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Sounds good! Did we talk about mixing nutes? Cal-mag first, then feed, then if you use it silica. Ph adjust afterwards.
Oh wow, didn't know it had to be done separate. I was going to mix it all together , thanks. What do you mean by adjust afterwards?

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My bad! Put calmag in water first, then your nutes, the silica if you use it. Stir in between each addition. Then check ph and adjust as necessary. Then you give it to the plant. I was confusing in my reply.
Hope that is more clear
Oh got it! I'll do that.
I'm assuming the ph down/up doesn't mess up the plant?

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Oh got it! I'll do that.
I'm assuming the ph down/up doesn't mess up the plant?

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Oh got it! I'll do that.
I'm assuming the ph down/up doesn't mess up the plant?

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It can but that is why the mix is done in that order. Silica can up the ph do it is last and you shouldn't need to use as much up. Unless you have organic ph adjusters that aren't as harsh.