Indoor Have to start somewhere. I hope...

Finally got a new phone so the pics should be better haha.
Week 5 of flower (36 days)







Not sure what the yellow leaves mean? This one has a couple and other does not.





They're an unknown strain, but when I squeeze a bud it smells like citrus. My first time smelling a growing plant. Loving it!

I will flower for 9-10 weeks.

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What a monster! Looks great bud. Did you look in the deficiency thread to compare the coloration on the leaf. I have to go look since i cant remember these.
Looking at pics it coukd be the start of mag deficiency.
So I'll have to up the cal mag to 1.5/2 then? I've been doing one and sometimes for 2/3 days I'll do straight water. I shall try and see what happens

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Up it or use it with waterings in between feeds.
Week 6 in flower (43 days)
They're bulking up every night it seems and the smell is amazing. Strong citrus/sweet smell. Lot of white crystals around the buds, and a bunch of brown/orange ones, too.

I'm an idiot though and just realized a huge mistake I've been doing this whole time. I've been under feeding. I've been doing 1ML of nutrients to 4L ... not 1ML to 1L like tangs schedule said!! Smh...
I have 2 others going as well and they're 42 and 50 days old, same feed amounts, and not bulky at all and I assume it's because of that. I will do the proper feeds for the last 3-4 weeks on those and see if they bulk up.
I popped in a 5th one (Afghan Cow by Dr. Krippling) so for that I will be doing the proper feeds and hopefully get it RIGHT this time around.





Group shot!

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They are putting on weight now. Good catch on the feed schedule, be careful increasing the food so they don't burn
They are putting on weight now. Good catch on the feed schedule, be careful increasing the food so they don't burn

Hope so! That's the dumbest thing yet though, I don't know wtf I was thinking

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