Indoor Have to start somewhere. I hope...


Loving the smell on these and the way they look

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Chopping these down in about 2-3 weeks. Excited/anxious at same time lol. Hoping the curing process goes well and it's actually good stuff. I am thinking of going the route I saw mentioned on here; golf size nugs lined along the bottom of paper bag and tucked away in a dark spot for 5-7 days. Can't wait...

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Just read through all this and will stick around for the finish. Good job so far learn from your mistakes and become a better grower. The plants will pretty much tell u when to harvest. Good luck with everything else in there too.
Just read through all this and will stick around for the finish. Good job so far learn from your mistakes and become a better grower. The plants will pretty much tell u when to harvest. Good luck with everything else in there too.

Thank you, sir. I was asking a ton of questions lol. This was the "bad" plant , too. There's another one in the same tent , same bag seed, that's looking much much better. Hasn't leaned over from the colas , it's up straighter , greener/more colorful and crystal full nugs. Glad that one didn't break! Lol. I'm going to flush them with water for 10 days and chop. Post some pics up throughout the week

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Ended up chopping one of the ladies today (day 69 of flower). May have been premature as many leaves were still green, so I am leaving the other one until it's really yellow. I flushed for 11 days so not sure why these are taking a while to turn yellow.
Trimming is a lot of fun they said.... lol. I trimmed for 5.5hrs and didn't even finish all the branches. But so far I have about 124 g wet. Still have a long way to go to be good at trimming but I did the best I could.





Biggest nugs so far


Going to let my dad trim up the last couple branches. I'm hoping those are also around the 50-75g wet range ,so maybe I'll end up with 2 O's dry per plant.
(1st grow, two random bag seeds)
(2nd grow, Walter White by Mephisto)

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Chopping the last lady down today from my 1st attempt at this cultivation. It's been an enjoyable 135 days. I made many mistakes and learned plenty along the way.

She was vegged under a Plat 300 for 60 days (about 8 weeks haha), and flowered for 75 days under two Vira Spectra 300s. They're about 38 inches tall and smell very sweet.
-Unknown strain
-Green Tree Growers Blend
-AN Nutes with 1ML to 4L most of the grow lol , very underfed , silly me misread Tangs guide
-Trichomes mostly clear/little cloudy but I need the space for my auto grows and this also hermied on some bottom branches! Not sure if it's genetics, cause the other one didn't grow tiny bananas.

- the other one had about 175g wet so I guess that's about 40g dry maybe? We'll see. It was free so not worried about amount but I hope it's a good smoke!

- Thanks for all the helped me along the way! [emoji851]



(1st grow, two random bag seeds)
(2nd grow, Walter White by Mephisto)

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