New Grower Grow Zero//White Widow, Blackjack, & Pineapple from Dr. Seeds in PROMIX

View attachment 1042897 View attachment 1042898 View attachment 1042899 Day 15. The Pineapple seems like a lost cause, unsure of whether I should just leave it or get rid of it already. It just refuses to die haha. Been feeding @ 1L daily with 1/4 recommended dose on AN M/G/B and 2ml/L on Voodoo Juice and B-52. Temps & RH swings are under control and I believe things are looking up for a change. Do theses girls seem too small for their age?

Have a look at some of the more experienced grow journals - especially ones growing your strains.

That will give you a good comparison.

I would be flushing them and using Phd water until I saw some yellowing. Less is more. Better to underfeed than over.

Personally I would grow with coco - as it is much easier to know where you are!
I'm just a rookie, but I think you are adding way to many nute's. Find somebody that has got experience to help with your girl's. I agree with the infirmary for sick plants. I don't think the pineapple will take off and be a monster anymore! I had a baby that looked terriable but just would not die, I had to let her go, sometimes they make it, sometimes they don't. Yes, I think that is small, but it might take off. Double check your NUTE'S---------:jointman:
I actually waited the full 10 days before giving any Nutes to them. Since I’m using a soilless medium, I’d be starving them without any feeding. I definitely screwed up by not monitoring the ph in my medium though and I believe this is what had my seedlings up in arms. I’m a ssuming the Pineapple just wasn’t as forgiving to the initial screw up. Although the cheap soil probes aren’t the most accurate in the world, it was reading stupid high/Alkaline. I’ve been reading up on the subject and ProMix is just one of those mediums that can be tricky to get dialed in. I did back off on the Nutes the past couple of days but my other two girls are really starting to take off now so I will be stepping up by .5ml/L and going hard at it. The pineapple shows signs of hope but it likely won’t be much of a plant. Time will tell... I’ll keep it for now (mostly for practice purposes) but I may germinate another and start over with that strain while my other girls keep doing their thing.
Have a look at some of the more experienced grow journals - especially ones growing your strains.

That will give you a good comparison.

I would be flushing them and using Phd water until I saw some yellowing. Less is more. Better to underfeed than over.

Personally I would grow with coco - as it is much easier to know where you are!
I just started digging through journals yesterday to get comparisons, I think I’m on track with two of the three at the moment! I’m digging in and researching mediums as well as pulling what info is available for the ProMix. I keep finding Ph can be tricky with this medium. The knowledge on this site is definitely plentiful though :worship:
Day 18

I decided to get the ole Nikon out last night and took some shots of the little ones. My Pineapple strain just didn’t look like it was going to pull through so I pulled the seedling and dropped a fresh bean in water last night to begin germination. Although it will be a couple of weeks behind the White Widow and Blackjack, I still want to try my had at each strain. First two pics are the White Widow, second set is of the Blackjack.
I grew some white widow with some old 4' shop light's with 2 f-12 grow bulb's, it grew very tall, of course I harvested early, but it was still some kick ass smoke. Your girl's look good--keep it up.:jointman:
I grew some white widow with some old 4' shop light's with 2 f-12 grow bulb's, it grew very tall, of course I harvested early, but it was still some kick ass smoke. Your girl's look good--keep it up.:jointman:
I’ve never smoked it before so I have a LOT to look forward to haha.
Day 21

The girls seem happy so I’m happy. I pulled the pineapple as I didn’t see any point in keeping it going. I soaked another bean of the same strain for 24 hrs, went to the wet paper towel for 48 hrs, & stuffed the sprout in the pot yesterday. I decided to flush the pot with about 8 gallons of PHd water (@6.0) since i had fed Nutes to the original seedling. To my delight, I found it popped through the medium this morning! Fingers crossed lol. I haven’t done much else aside from daily feedings @ 1-1.5 L at a 1/1/1 on M/G/B and 2ml/l on Voodoo Juice and B-52.
Day 21

The girls seem happy so I’m happy. I pulled the pineapple as I didn’t see any point in keeping it going. I soaked another bean of the same strain for 24 hrs, went to the wet paper towel for 48 hrs, & stuffed the sprout in the pot yesterday. I decided to flush the pot with about 8 gallons of PHd water (@6.0) since i had fed Nutes to the original seedling. To my delight, I found it popped through the medium this morning! Fingers crossed lol. I haven’t done much else aside from daily feedings @ 1-1.5 L at a 1/1/1 on M/G/B and 2ml/l on Voodoo Juice and B-52.
Love those happy girl's, it's all way's nice to see them break the soil! Way to go, i'm pullin for the Pineapple!:jointman: