New Grower Grow Zero//White Widow, Blackjack, & Pineapple from Dr. Seeds in PROMIX

So here’s the concept, I have 5 gallon fabric pots and I will be placing them on top of those cast iron plant stands on casters (I needed something rugged) you can find in any garden center. I’ve taken three 18” drain pans and drilled a 3/8” hole in the center. Using some good ole flex glue and some cheap plastic barbed bushings, I created a drain for the “catch pan”. These will be propped up on milk crates and 3/8” tubing will be interconnected so they come together into one line that I can toss into a 5 gal bucket. I’m hoping this benefits my girls by keeping the bottom of the pot aerated as well and any runoff from watering or flushes can be easily managed. I miss rigging things up haha.
Well, this should do the trick... Now I need these girls to growwwwwww hahah. I need to figure out why my pics keep popping up sideways too
Not sure what’s up with these girls. I started with dry pots, only watering at the seedling. Decided to do a heavier watering and lowered my Ph for watering to 5.9-6.0. Been watering minimally at 6.2 but my soil probe says ph is high (7-8). I know ProMix can be weird with Ph so it’s just a guess. I also had the heater relatively close to seedlings. Idk, if they pull through in the next day or two, I’ll keep em going... fun times!


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Oh-man, those little girl's look bad, wish I could tell you why? You sure have done a lot for your girl's, maybe your just in the twilight zone like me. Some one with growing experience will hopefully get you on the right track. It's a helpless feeling when you have a problem and just don't know what to do. Iv'e used that soil before and loved it. I use strait RO water ph'd to 6.5. I would use all clear dome's, but I don't think those should cause damage. I am using LED'S also, that make's a big difference. Good luck:jointman:
Oh-man, those little girl's look bad, wish I could tell you why? You sure have done a lot for your girl's, maybe your just in the twilight zone like me. Some one with growing experience will hopefully get you on the right track. It's a helpless feeling when you have a problem and just don't know what to do. Iv'e used that soil before and loved it. I use strait RO water ph'd to 6.5. I would use all clear dome's, but I don't think those should cause damage. I am using LED'S also, that make's a big difference. Good luck:jointman:
Yeah man, I guess if I’m doing something wrong, this is the time to do it... When you used this medium, did you wet the whole pot from the beginning? I was trying to water only at the seedling to get the roots down to the bottom, leaving 80% of the medium dry. I wonder if having all the dry medium is playing a role? I was also trying to keep waterings to a minimum, maybe every couple of days. I’ve also read that you can’t overwater with ProMix. Trial and error lol
I’m also under MH & struggling with humidity (RH has been between 35-45%, was hoping my plastic cups would help). Humidifier should be in today.
Yeah man, I guess if I’m doing something wrong, this is the time to do it... When you used this medium, did you wet the whole pot from the beginning? I was trying to water only at the seedling to get the roots down to the bottom, leaving 80% of the medium dry. I wonder if having all the dry medium is playing a role? I was also trying to keep waterings to a minimum, maybe every couple of days. I’ve also read that you can’t overwater with ProMix. Trial and error lol
I’m also under MH & struggling with humidity (RH has been between 35-45%, was hoping my plastic cups would help). Humidifier should be in today.
My girl's are 12 day's old from sprout, had dome's untile 2 day's after they popped. The RH is the same as your's, let me know how that humidifier work's. I allway's soaked my soil. But i'm just a rookie and learning myself---good luck--:jointman:
My girl's are 12 day's old from sprout, had dome's untile 2 day's after they popped. The RH is the same as your's, let me know how that humidifier work's. I allway's soaked my soil. But i'm just a rookie and learning myself---good luck--:jointman:
Interesting... I am still using the cups, that may be part of my issue too. I just assumed I could offset the humidity issue temporarily until I could manage the RH in the tent better. I haven’t started Nutes, was going to wait until day 10 so my issue has to be PH related, possibly RH and heater location too. I’m not opposed to shutting this grow down and starting fresh, if they’re stunted (which they must be at this point), they’re probably screwed anyway
Humidifier has just gone in, cups got pulled. The White Widow is praying so that’s a good sign. The other seedlings are a mess haha. They are trying to pop their second set of leaves but they’re all just kind of a crumpled up mass at the moment. Sink or swim time!
I know how you feel! Iv'e just had 2 seed's pop, 1 is doing ok, 2 look's real bad?? Put them both under t-5's last night, I'm going to let the bad one grow and see what happen's. Iv'e had runt's before that grew into monster's!:jointman: