New Grower Grow Zero//White Widow, Blackjack, & Pineapple from Dr. Seeds in PROMIX

Look's good, I'm very much a rookie, can't help a lot, good luck with your first grow. I'm 7 day's into a new grow, have had a few, just trying to learn the trick's, i'll be watching you----:jointman:
Look's good, I'm very much a rookie, can't help a lot, good luck with your first grow. I'm 7 day's into a new grow, have had a few, just trying to learn the trick's, i'll be watching you----:jointman:
Let’s do it up!
looking fine and dandy :thumbsup:
day one can be the day you plant the seed,or the day it shows true leaves.for me day 1 is the day after it pops its head out as thats day matters to nobody but onesself,its just a reference point :smokeit:
link works great :coffee: can put it in a signature,like whats at the bottom of my post :thumbsup:
good luck n keep er lit.
edit...oops i thought that was your grow thread:coffee2:
So not much to update... the seedlings are still getting their first set of leaves established. I haven’t watered much, mostly a light misting daily. I decided I would make a drain system for runoff or future flushes and I’m hoping to have it all set up tonight or tomorrow sometime. I’ll have to post pics when I’m sure it’s going to work lol.
So not much to update... the seedlings are still getting their first set of leaves established. I haven’t watered much, mostly a light misting daily. I decided I would make a drain system for runoff or future flushes and I’m hoping to have it all set up tonight or tomorrow sometime. I’ll have to post pics when I’m sure it’s going to work lol.

I run auto drain to waste - so useful ... in coco you cannot over water .. come flush - I can run 50l per day per plant ... no effort to me:)

Using auto irrigation is the way forward imo !