New Grower Grow Zero//White Widow, Blackjack, & Pineapple from Dr. Seeds in PROMIX

I know how you feel! Iv'e just had 2 seed's pop, 1 is doing ok, 2 look's real bad?? Put them both under t-5's last night, I'm going to let the bad one grow and see what happen's. Iv'e had runt's before that grew into monster's!:jointman:
It happens I guess... especially as a NewB haha. My girls seem to be on the rebound (except for one), showing their second set of leaves and my White Widow was praying last night. The Pineapple just looks like hell haha. Tent has been sitting stable at 76 degrees with 80% humidity. I divided up a gallon of water between the three yesterday and I gave a LIGHT dose of Nutes for the first time this morning, going with .5ml/L on AN M/G/B, Voodoo Juice, & B-52. My pots still aren’t 100% wet, sides are dry af. I’m going to see how they look tonight and will water again tomorrow. I keep reading you cannot overwater with ProMix so I will keep up with feeding everyday, slowly bringing the Nutes up until I reach my target range. So much fun haha. Do you have a grow journal or pics of your grow by chance @rick-j?
I have a new growers journal going. I keep messin up all the time, it's good to learn, it just hurt's so much to feel so helpless at time's with this hobby. I forget thing's the same day I learn something new, that's why i'm doing this journal, I can all way's look back. Good luck to you- I bet the Pineapple will turn out to be the best!:jointman:
Quick update...

I’m still not sure how these girls will turn out. This would be day 11 & I have mixed feelings on whether they’re growing properly or just really screwed at this point. I’ve been maintaining 72-78 degrees and RH has been in the high 70s since adding the humidifier. I watered again this morning (feeding Nutes every watering). Bumped up the Voodoo Juice and B-52 to 2ml/L and kept the M/G/B at .5ml/L. I’ll post pictures later when I get home from work. It seems like the leaves are almost crinkled up and although they all went in at the same time, they’re all at different stages already haha. Pics to come!
Day 11 from when they popped out of the medium...
@thedailydose already facing some issues haha but here it is man :pass:
Oh-man---- good luck--Hope you find out the WHY do my spout's look like this?:jointman:
thanks for the link @SaltyReefer !

set up is looking good. wish I had the space.

not sure whats wrong with the girls. my only guess is nute burn? maybe too much for the babies? well were both learning so Ill definitely be here to see the outcome. :pop:

If anyone is curious, I’m posting a link from a different thread which highlights my planned Nutes and schedule...

Please lmk if this isn’t the proper way to share other threads

I saw your choice of nutes. I suggest looking into @TaNg schedule! he is using his version of advance nutes schedule (only 4 of the bottles in your list). he has nothing but monsters in the tents.:growing:

good luck @SaltyReefer hope you get it figured out. you can also visit the infirmary for some help :thumbsup:

thanks for the link @SaltyReefer !

set up is looking good. wish I had the space.

not sure whats wrong with the girls. my only guess is nute burn? maybe too much for the babies? well were both learning so Ill definitely be here to see the outcome. :pop:

I saw your choice of nutes. I suggest looking into @TaNg schedule! he is using his version of advance nutes schedule (only 4 of the bottles in your list). he has nothing but monsters in the tents.:growing:

good luck @SaltyReefer hope you get it figured out. you can also visit the infirmary for some help :thumbsup:

Great info! I haven’t checked out the infirmary section yet, I’ll have to peek in that section as I’m still trying to orient myself on this site. I didn’t start Nutes until day 10 and Promix has zero nutrients as well. I’m going to blame high PH & low humidity/dry pots. I can’t say I calibrated my cheap PH pen until after seeing the issue. I also believe I just gave them the worst start possible, with mostly dry pots and plastic cups to smother my girls in humid air... I have one of those cheap soil probes and my soil PH was up there. I’ve since gotten 90% of the soil wet and have been feeding at 1/4 recommended dose on M/G/B. The Pineapple hasn’t done much, thinking of pulling it and germinating another to replace it with. Not sure yet, part of me says, let it decide if it wants to live or not haha. So I’m keeping to 1L waterings daily with Nutes and will bump up the amount over the next couple of weeks as the plants grow.
Day 15. The Pineapple seems like a lost cause, unsure of whether I should just leave it or get rid of it already. It just refuses to die haha. Been feeding @ 1L daily with 1/4 recommended dose on AN M/G/B and 2ml/L on Voodoo Juice and B-52. Temps & RH swings are under control and I believe things are looking up for a change. Do theses girls seem too small for their age?
I'm just a rookie, but I think you are adding way to many nute's. Find somebody that has got experience to help with your girl's. I agree with the infirmary for sick plants. I don't think the pineapple will take off and be a monster anymore! I had a baby that looked terriable but just would not die, I had to let her go, sometimes they make it, sometimes they don't. Yes, I think that is small, but it might take off. Double check your NUTE'S---------:jointman: