@SaltyReefer Looking good!
@rick-j Salty did a good job describing what a "FIM" is. I'll add a few thoughts if that's cool. My understanding is that when you "Top" a plant it sends messages to the plant that it no longer has that one leading top. Therefore all the other branches and nodes fight to be the "one and only" top. This leads to all the branches pushing for upwards growth and a relatively even canopy.
A "FIM" like Salty said is similar but less stressfull. It doesn't stop that one main top from growing, it just slows the main top. It should recover from the "FIM" and keep growing one main top upwards. During this slowed period the other branches temporarily act as the main top similarly to how they respond to a "Top".
Sorry to hear that you had a stroke a while back. That shit is scary stuff. Glad to know you are recovered and living life!
Happy 4/20 everyone!