New Grower Grow Zero//White Widow, Blackjack, & Pineapple from Dr. Seeds in PROMIX

Since my White Widow seems to be really taking off, I decided i better decide on LST. I FIMmed her this AM and am going to be tying things down once I feel she is ready. Things definitely start ramping up once you’re out of the seedling stage haha
They are so pretty while they are young! Explain to me one more time what FIMming is? I tried that LST TRAINING stuff yesterday, my right arm shake's so much, uncontrollable tremor's, i'm afraid i'll yank those little steam's right off. Every since that damn stroke in 2005, I had to learn how to do everything left handed, of course, I was right handed. It's kinda hard to do that, maybe later! Your girl's are lookin very good, keep on keepin them girl's happy----Happy 420----go white widow---:jointman:
They are so pretty while they are young! Explain to me one more time what FIMming is? I tried that LST TRAINING stuff yesterday, my right arm shake's so much, uncontrollable tremor's, i'm afraid i'll yank those little steam's right off. Every since that damn stroke in 2005, I had to learn how to do everything left handed, of course, I was right handed. It's kinda hard to do that, maybe later! Your girl's are lookin very good, keep on keepin them girl's happy----Happy 420----go white widow---:jointman:
FIM stands for Fuck I Missed... it got its name from topping but only getting a percentage (75-80%) of the top removed. Basically, ya snip a good chunk off the top but leave behind the base of the new growth or approx 20%. It’s supposed to be less stressful than a full out topping and still triggers similar results. I have a pic on my thread. I also tied my White Widow down this morning, I’m just going all out aha. This is going to be a very interesting first grow for me :chef:
@SaltyReefer Looking good!

@rick-j Salty did a good job describing what a "FIM" is. I'll add a few thoughts if that's cool. My understanding is that when you "Top" a plant it sends messages to the plant that it no longer has that one leading top. Therefore all the other branches and nodes fight to be the "one and only" top. This leads to all the branches pushing for upwards growth and a relatively even canopy.

A "FIM" like Salty said is similar but less stressfull. It doesn't stop that one main top from growing, it just slows the main top. It should recover from the "FIM" and keep growing one main top upwards. During this slowed period the other branches temporarily act as the main top similarly to how they respond to a "Top".

Sorry to hear that you had a stroke a while back. That shit is scary stuff. Glad to know you are recovered and living life!

Happy 4/20 everyone! :pass:
@SaltyReefer Looking good!

@rick-j Salty did a good job describing what a "FIM" is. I'll add a few thoughts if that's cool. My understanding is that when you "Top" a plant it sends messages to the plant that it no longer has that one leading top. Therefore all the other branches and nodes fight to be the "one and only" top. This leads to all the branches pushing for upwards growth and a relatively even canopy.

A "FIM" like Salty said is similar but less stressfull. It doesn't stop that one main top from growing, it just slows the main top. It should recover from the "FIM" and keep growing one main top upwards. During this slowed period the other branches temporarily act as the main top similarly to how they respond to a "Top".

Sorry to hear that you had a stroke a while back. That shit is scary stuff. Glad to know you are recovered and living life!

Happy 4/20 everyone! :pass:
What @Tom'sinflatedballs said! I got the premise of it but explanations aren’t my thing, way too inexperienced for all that haha.