Indoor grow Journal - Amnesia, S.Mazar, 600w hps, soil, 3'x5' by gantsa

Group A' Day 52
Group B' day 45
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Just looking back through.....what an OCD dream!!!!...........:slap:

Don't think I didn't notice the creases in your tent lining-up in the photo........:jointman:

You definitely know how to group 'em....and not get caught up in the popcorn buds that we farmers don't smoke.....maybe sometimes....:pop:...The irony of this approach is, they are still there, just not as many....

I love your grow dude, almost as much as mine.......:muahaha:.............:cheers:
You definitely know how to group 'em....and not get caught up in the popcorn buds that we farmers don't smoke.....maybe sometimes....:pop:...The irony of this approach is, they are still there, just not as many....
I love your grow dude, almost as much as mine.......:muahaha:.............:cheers:

thanks for the good vides duude. if you were telling me that you love my grow more than yours, then i would start to worry about your girls :baked:

in this grow i spent very few time with training. i just bent down the main cola once in week 3, and maybe a couple of branches in each plant later. The rest of the job was done by the girls. The stretched themselves, and covered every possible light spot :ladies:The tent is so full, that even if i wanted there is no room to pull more side branches aside. The 600bulb, in ~40cm distance is a lot of light for them. The plants on the left and right stretched just enough to cover the sides and the plants right under the reflector didnt stretch at all.. (i had to raise the reflector for some days to help them stretch a bit and create some more bud sites). What i notice now for the plants right under the reflector(that get the maximum light), is that even those bud sites on the middle bottom, that are completely shaded, are producing lot of resin and are fattening well :pop: 20160609_203128.jpg <- some pop porn here:) The other plants on the sides have also a nice bunch of popcorn. they are raised a bit from the floor so that their lower buds get some direct light. I think that the case is that, the more leaves get that direct light at ~50cm from bulb, the more energy is stored from the plant. Its not only the direct light on the bud that helps it develop, but this energy that is totally stored by all the leaves together

I used to spend too much time with trimming and arranging the buds under a scrog net, so that everyone gets direct that they dont touch each other, the leaves are not shading the buds,etc,,, but i realize that probably this way now is not so bad. I like that i can maximise the number of plants in there. I like that i dont have a scrog net and i can take out the plants to inspect, water, till etc,, Even though that some of the fat buds in the middle of the room, grow in bunches, totally touching each other, I didnt have any problem with mold (the small pc fans provide a slow air circulation in all levels of the canopy). Im looking forward to verify this when ill weight the yiled. Day 65 today heeehehe:goauto:

This was the situation ten days ago
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Max rep :slap: I'd be stressed to the max with all those plants in that tent well done harvest day is not to long away now bro it'll be fun when the time comes to start trimming
DAY 73 - HARVEST :frog:


last 5 days i tried to create the 'autumn' effect. since last week i am placing the bulb more and more far from the reflector(adjust a wings have this option) so this reduced slowly the intensity under the bulb and spread more light on the sides. plus this week i exchanged the hsp bulb with CFL and reduced slowly every day the hours of light (1 hour less every day). I think i noticed a raise in resin contents but they were already frosty last week so i cant say for sure if that makes big difference. The ripening process slowed down a bit and lot of new white pistils appeared in some of the plants. Im not sure if it was the change from hps to cfl , or the reduction of light hours that caused that

Moby DIck II buds.jpg

ill come up with more juicy pics later. stay tuned :goauto:
DAY 73 - HARVEST :frog:

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last 5 days i tried to create the 'autumn' effect. since last week i am placing the bulb more and more far from the reflector(adjust a wings have this option) so this reduced slowly the intensity under the bulb and spread more light on the sides. plus this week i exchanged the hsp bulb with CFL and reduced slowly every day the hours of light (1 hour less every day). I think i noticed a raise in resin contents but they were already frosty last week so i cant say for sure if that makes big difference. The ripening process slowed down a bit and lot of new white pistils appeared in some of the plants. Im not sure if it was the change from hps to cfl , or the reduction of light hours that caused that

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ill come up with more juicy pics later. stay tuned :goauto:
Looking great bro but not ready flush for another 2 weeks n the will swell more as still plenty of white pistils
Looking great bro but not ready flush for another 2 weeks n the will swell more as still plenty of white pistils

you are right bro. half of them were not ripe yet. but i decided to harvest them all together (it took me 4 days to harvest n trim).. I got stressed in the end and just wanted to finish it earlier. I dont have that feeling often, but this time proved damned right!
After around 10 days hanging inside the tent, they were still not ready to go to jars. I was heating the room trying to keep around 65% RH.. And BUM suddenly everything goes to hell! :cuss: Do you know what's a natural disaster dudes? Thats what happened
While i was taking an evening nap,it started raining so fuckin much that the pipe system flooded! im in the groundfloor :deadhorse: Dudes..I woke up and i look in the bathroom trying to understand whats that noise.... and while im still trying to wake up, i watch the fuckin toilet spiting tones of water like fountain and all the bathtube and the hole on the floor the same.. just spiting out hundreds of liters of water!! Dudes, i was not triping.. it was happening. the house is built inside a stream. it never rains so much but it! that i was just finishing my harvest

Before i took that nap i had smoked some of that mazar and i had gota knocked out... The fact that i was still stoned and sleeping while that was happening made it even more wierd and stressfull.. The stress comes by the fact that the owner, lives right in the next house. while the apartment was flooding i had to open the goddamn door to push the water outside... and at the same time i knew that the owner could appear anytime now in the door asking to come inside and see what is going on!! shit!!

I just took as much water as i could out the house, saved some of my stuff to not get fucked up,, i locked the fuckin door and then i hitted the "alarm button":redcross: i started like crazy jaring the buds! - disassembling the tent, the ventilations,,packing ,,,moving stuff to the cellar,,and so on.. all those shit i had to do inside a swimming pool(this was the house) :face: and with the stress that the owner will appear...!!.!>!>

Have you seen those adv videos with guys setting up a grow tent? If you could see me, it was like something like those videos, but in a extra fast Backwards motion:woohoo:

Anyways,,i was so lucky in the end. Right after i packed the last box in the cellar, i return in my apartment, AND THERE IS the owner standing in the frontdoor!!:crying: dudes...i felt soo good.. I just told him to come inside and see the catastroph.