New Grower Auto Ultimate and Auto Blue Amnesia XXL Grow Journal

Day 60

The plants have paled quite a bit because I forgot to use grow nutes last watering, hopefully won't get much worse now that I have applied the full recommended dose according to the biobizz schedule. The buds seem to be growing ok regardless. I've noticed they are drinking less than they were before, so I halved the waterings to 1.5L when the pots feel light. I guess this could be because the temps have been a little cooler and there is probably less photosynthesis going on because there are less green leaves. A few orange pistils are showing on the ultimate and the blue amnesia is showing around 75% orange pistils. I will start checking the trichomes on the BA soon.



Hello people, we are on day 69. The trichomes are still clear. I'm a little worried they aren't going to mature, but maybe I'm being paranoid. I've been backing off the N more recently. Both my previous grows had a hay smell and I think I harvested too early, although I didn't have much choice at the time. The bud I harvested from them never smelled good even after curing so the main objective this time is letting them mature enough before chopping and drying slowly, followed by a good cure.

These plants definitely wouldn't win any photo contests but I'm really pleased considering the last attempts. I've learned a lot this time around. Thanks to the folks who have chimed in with encouragement and a special thanks to @Mañ'O'Green for the help! Not long to go now!



Blue Amnesia

Wow man they look stunning! I just got 3 Blue Amnesia XXL seeds for my next grow. I hope I can grow them as good as you have.
Hello people, we are on day 69. The trichomes are still clear. I'm a little worried they aren't going to mature, but maybe I'm being paranoid. I've been backing off the N more recently. Both my previous grows had a hay smell and I think I harvested too early, although I didn't have much choice at the time. The bud I harvested from them never smelled good even after curing so the main objective this time is letting them mature enough before chopping and drying slowly, followed by a good cure.

These plants definitely wouldn't win any photo contests but I'm really pleased considering the last attempts. I've learned a lot this time around. Thanks to the folks who have chimed in with encouragement and a special thanks to @Mañ'O'Green for the help! Not long to go now!

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Blue Amnesia
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Looking good Pete. It has been my pleasure to help but you are the one doing the farming. :slap:

Patients is truly a virtue in growing cannabis. When you look at your plants 5, 10, or 20 times a day you feel that you should be doing something to help them grow; so we over water, over feed and do all manner of things mostly to the detriment of the plant. I learned this growing vegetables in a greenhouse for transplant into the field later. When I learned to stop pampering them to death they fared better. So do my cannabis plants. Of course the pendulum can swing the other way as well. I went a day and a half without checking the grow room the only time I ever had a pump fail........... LOL. Shyte happens.

So the amber I have been waiting for is beginning to show up on my grow now. I think I may start the flush Wednesday or Thursday.
Wow man they look stunning! I just got 3 Blue Amnesia XXL seeds for my next grow. I hope I can grow them as good as you have.

Thanks man, it sure seems like a hardy strain considering the abuse I have given it, I'm sure they will be a pleasure for you to grow, best of luck! I'll check it out if you do a journal.

Looking good Pete. It has been my pleasure to help but you are the one doing the farming. :slap:

Patients is truly a virtue in growing cannabis. When you look at your plants 5, 10, or 20 times a day you feel that you should be doing something to help them grow; so we over water, over feed and do all manner of things mostly to the detriment of the plant. I learned this growing vegetables in a greenhouse for transplant into the field later. When I learned to stop pampering them to death they fared better. So do my cannabis plants. Of course the pendulum can swing the other way as well. I went a day and a half without checking the grow room the only time I ever had a pump fail........... LOL. Shyte happens.

So the amber I have been waiting for is beginning to show up on my grow now. I think I may start the flush Wednesday or Thursday.

Haha, it's Sod's law. Yeah, I can safely say patience isn't my strong point. Your plants are looking really healthy, I bet you can't wait for the chop! How many days do you normally dry and cure?

I had a decent size branch break off on the BA and some others are held up by string. I dried it out at around 20C at 40% RH with all the leaves on for 4-5 days before it was ready for the jar yesterday. The high was really heady with no body stone; to be expected I guess since it was removed from the plant around day 65 and had completely clear trichomes. I hope this is the only factor contributing to the weak strength (must be patient haha).
Thanks man, it sure seems like a hardy strain considering the abuse I have given it, I'm sure they will be a pleasure for you to grow, best of luck! I'll check it out if you do a journal.

Haha, it's Sod's law. Yeah, I can safely say patience isn't my strong point. Your plants are looking really healthy, I bet you can't wait for the chop! How many days do you normally dry and cure?

I had a decent size branch break off on the BA and some others are held up by string. I dried it out at around 20C at 40% RH with all the leaves on for 4-5 days before it was ready for the jar yesterday. The high was really heady with no body stone; to be expected I guess since it was removed from the plant around day 65 and had completely clear trichomes. I hope this is the only factor contributing to the weak strength (must be patient haha).

Drying is dependent on the conditions at the time of year I am drying. The goal is 70°F at 50% humidity with light air circulation in the room. In reality it is all over the place from 80°F to 68°F and 38% to 65%. I dry until the small stems snap and the buds feel dry to the touch usually 5 to 8 days. If I am drying in the cooler or cold months I wet trim all of the leaves with a stem and hang individual branches; If it is hot and dry like in the summer I just hang the whole plant without trimming. I know that may not be helpful but you will get it after a few runs in your environment. Curing is more precise I use jars or turkey bags with little hygrometers in them. The target is 58% to 62% moisture. Burp them every day for the first week to 10 days then every other day for a couple of weeks, then monthly. The minimum cure is two weeks but they improve over the first 6 months if they last that long. In the past I have used Boveda bags but I think they rob terpenes so I will be going without them on this next run.
Drying is dependent on the conditions at the time of year I am drying. The goal is 70°F at 50% humidity with light air circulation in the room. In reality it is all over the place from 80°F to 68°F and 38% to 65%. I dry until the small stems snap and the buds feel dry to the touch usually 5 to 8 days. If I am drying in the cooler or cold months I wet trim all of the leaves with a stem and hang individual branches; If it is hot and dry like in the summer I just hang the whole plant without trimming. I know that may not be helpful but you will get it after a few runs in your environment. Curing is more precise I use jars or turkey bags with little hygrometers in them. The target is 58% to 62% moisture. Burp them every day for the first week to 10 days then every other day for a couple of weeks, then monthly. The minimum cure is two weeks but they improve over the first 6 months if they last that long. In the past I have used Boveda bags but I think they rob terpenes so I will be going without them on this next run.

Thanks for the info, a lot of people seem to debate the wet/dry trim, but it makes total sense it would depend on your environment. I'm using boveda 58's this time around. I would be interested to see a side by side test with and without them. I may try it in the future when I feel more secure.

On day 78 now. I had to cut off a little bud on the Ultimate's main cola because it was drying out and turning brown. When you look back at earlier pictures you can actually see it with a keen eye. It's a in the centre of the main cola on the left plant. I have a sad feeling this is bud rot because of lack of air movement. The desk fan under the canopy broke a couple of weeks ago and I havn't been able to replace it yet. Do I need the extra air movement in such a small space (80x80x160cm, 31x31x62" space)? I already have a 185m3/hour (109 cfm) extractor pulling through the hood to outside the tent. The trichomes aren't even nearly done yet so I would be hesitant to chop her.








Thanks for the info, a lot of people seem to debate the wet/dry trim, but it makes total sense it would depend on your environment. I'm using boveda 58's this time around. I would be interested to see a side by side test with and without them. I may try it in the future when I feel more secure.

On day 78 now. I had to cut off a little bud on the Ultimate's main cola because it was drying out and turning brown. When you look back at earlier pictures you can actually see it with a keen eye. It's a in the centre of the main cola on the left plant. I have a sad feeling this is bud rot because of lack of air movement. The desk fan under the canopy broke a couple of weeks ago and I havn't been able to replace it yet. Do I need the extra air movement in such a small space (80x80x160cm, 31x31x62" space)? I already have a 185m3/hour (109 cfm) extractor pulling through the hood to outside the tent. The trichomes aren't even nearly done yet so I would be hesitant to chop her.

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Yes that is bud rot and you need to get it all out of the plant - IMMEDIATELY. I would consider harvesting now. Air circulation is critical in late flowering. You might look into "Bud Washing" to prevent the spread during drying.
Yes that is bud rot and you need to get it all out of the plant - IMMEDIATELY. I would consider harvesting now. Air circulation is critical in late flowering. You might look into "Bud Washing" to prevent the spread during drying.

Thanks for the heads up, pretty annoyed with myself for letting this happen. It's a hard lesson haha. I cut off most of the main cola and got a fan the size of a windmill running in there now! Do you think it's worth seeing if this makes a difference or should I definitely chop the whole thing? It's hard for me to chop it early because my last two grows finished so immature.



Thanks for the heads up, pretty annoyed with myself for letting this happen. It's a hard lesson haha. I cut off most of the main cola and got a fan the size of a windmill running in there now! Do you think it's worth seeing if this makes a difference or should I definitely chop the whole thing? It's hard for me to chop it early because my last two grows finished so immature.

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Keep a very close eye on them. Use disposable gloves to open the biggest colas and look inside for rot. change gloves for each cola. If you do not find any then keep going but if you find more I would seriously consider harvesting and washing, then dry in a place that is 75°F+ with good wind for the first few hours then dry normally.

Good Luck :vibes:.