New Grower Auto Ultimate and Auto Blue Amnesia XXL Grow Journal

Keep a very close eye on them. Use disposable gloves to open the biggest colas and look inside for rot. change gloves for each cola. If you do not find any then keep going but if you find more I would seriously consider harvesting and washing, then dry in a place that is 75°F+ with good wind for the first few hours then dry normally.

Good Luck :vibes:.

Hey man, I've been reading about the 3 step H2O2 wash and I'm going to give it a go in the next few days. When you say considering harvesting and washing, do you mean both plants, or just the visibly affected one? Sorry for all the questions and thank you!
Hey man, I've been reading about the 3 step H2O2 wash and I'm going to give it a go in the next few days. When you say considering harvesting and washing, do you mean both plants, or just the visibly affected one? Sorry for all the questions and thank you!
If you find more rot in your plants then the entire grow is most likely infected. It is growing unseen and will destroy the entire crop :deadhorse:. This is why if you find more I recommend you harvest ASAP harvest ALL of it. Go through it carefully picking out any rot. Make sure you get ALL of it by pruning above and below it into the still good bud. Sanitize your hands/gloves and scissors after each bud. Then wash and dry ALL of the remaining good bud. Years ago, maybe 7 or 8, I got this shyte and lost 90% of my crop. It is a hard lesson to learn because this stuff usually attacks in the last days of flower.
If you find more rot in your plants then the entire grow is most likely infected. It is growing unseen and will destroy the entire crop :deadhorse:. This is why if you find more I recommend you harvest ASAP harvest ALL of it. Go through it carefully picking out any rot. Make sure you get ALL of it by pruning above and below it into the still good bud. Sanitize your hands/gloves and scissors after each bud. Then wash and dry ALL of the remaining good bud. Years ago, maybe 7 or 8, I got this shyte and lost 90% of my crop. It is a hard lesson to learn because this stuff usually attacks in the last days of flower.

I feel like growing can be a cruel mistress, that must have been a sad day. I've been checking the buds carefully as you suggested and I am yet to find any other visibly infected areas. I want to harvest as soon as possible after reading your advice, but I can't get any hydrogen peroxide for a week. It's going to be a race. Scary times lol!
I feel like growing can be a cruel mistress, that must have been a sad day. I've been checking the buds carefully as you suggested and I am yet to find any other visibly infected areas. I want to harvest as soon as possible after reading your advice, but I can't get any hydrogen peroxide for a week. It's going to be a race. Scary times lol!
Are you looking inside the buds? Just put fresh disposable gloves on and gently separate the nugs on a cola to see down to the stem. Have your wife or a friend hold a good flashlight so you can really see. If you don't find anything just continue the grow until the colas are ripe. I have had a single plant get but rot and none of the others. I think some phenos are just vulnerable while others are not. Now that you have a fan running you may not have any more problems. Just be vigilant about temperature, humidity and airflow.
Are you looking inside the buds? Just put fresh disposable gloves on and gently separate the nugs on a cola to see down to the stem. Have your wife or a friend hold a good flashlight so you can really see. If you don't find anything just continue the grow until the colas are ripe. I have had a single plant get but rot and none of the others. I think some phenos are just vulnerable while others are not. Now that you have a fan running you may not have any more problems. Just be vigilant about temperature, humidity and airflow.

Yes mate, exactly as you say. Gently separating the bud looking right down to the stalk with disposable gloves. I've been using the LED on my magnifier when the lights are off for a better view of the color. I had 4 fans arrive today, they are 6 inch clip on fans to aim at the colas. Not too sure how I'm going to install them yet, they seem too big to clip on to the tent poles. I might have to hang them with string in the corners. I think 2 will be enough in hindsight. I'll use the other 2 for the dry room. They move a surprising amount of air for such small fans even on the lowest setting.