New Grower 2nd Grow - Double Grape/Amnesia XXL - Soil - COB LED

Thanks Pepe. Do the roots hold that medium intact in that inner cup when you go to pull it out and bury it? And how long do you keep them in a cup before you move into pot?
I let them go 10-12 days. I water the seedings in and then give them a little water on the third day. Wait for the soil to dry some before watering again. There will be some roots yes, but for the most part whats left of the cup holds it all together.
So, I had left them an extra 24hrs in the towels and the taproot starting weaving through. Luckily, the soil arrived today. I've thrown them into solo cups until I can deal with the pots tomorrow and set the tent up. I've been too busy this week and am unprepared.

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Everything is now set up except pots. 1 COB up high during the day - off at night for now. I never got around to dropping another Double Grape...

Due to these failures, I've just dropped 3 more double grapes. Plenty of room in the tent...
16 hours later, they've all sunk. Great sign.

Double Grapes in paper towel. Here's the Double Grape x Amnesia XXL in the tent... it's about a week old now.

6 weeks later... Out of 6 seeds that I had, only 2 ever germinated and survived. Here they are now. They are getting very top heavy and falling over at the base of the stem, hence the zip ties for light support. I added a second autocob about 1 week ago. I have only watered them a total of 1 gallon each in all this time. They have been getting very fragrant in the last 2 weeks, and I have started using the fan/filter at times.

Can anyone tell me what sort of LST or maintenance that I should be doing to them at this point? In my first grow last year, I never did anything to the plants until harvest.

