Indoor grow Journal - Amnesia, S.Mazar, 600w hps, soil, 3'x5' by gantsa

Day 24 & 17
internodes are exploding
day 17 and day 24.jpg

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The cotyledon leaves of the A' group started yellowing today so girls are getting hungry___________________________

The stems are 1cm+ fat. I fed them today 1/2 ml/l grow. Additionaly 1/2 ml bloom + 1/4 ml/l topmax just once. Ill not give more bloom nutes this week. I will start them regularly next week (week 4 and 3) and increasing them both slowly until they reach max 3ml/l at week 6. The biogrow ill increase it up to 2ml/l untill week 4 and then ill probably cut it down slowly untill week 5-6, Then stop feeding it unless is needed.
Both groups fed with 1ml/l algamic (also in every feed from now) +3ml/l acti-vera.
I plan to use acti-vera mainly after day 35, and on late flowering phase, hoping that this product will cover the needs of magnesium(beside the rest of its, unproven yet, benefits). I havent used it before so i have no clue how it will affect the plants in combination with the rest of the biobizz ferts. In any case, I have epsom salts aside.

20160503_102207.jpg Amnesia Autoflower Day 24

20160503_102426.jpg 20160503_102413.jpg Colorado Cookies Day 17
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I'm along for the ride. Excellent journal, you have my attention.

I am just finishing my first real grow. One big problem I had was space and/or trust in my 1000w lamp to get to everyone in my 4x4x7. Are you keeping all of the plants in the current tent? I am very curious to see how you fit all the gals in that space as they grow? Especially Moby Dick!! This is obviously not your first time doing this. I now have five full-grown plants that take up just about my entire tent; again 4x4x7.

welcome moondude. nice to meet you :cheers:
i know that those strains will get fuckin tall and im also curious/worried about whats gonna happen in there soon :D. Three of them are photoperiod (those on the sides) will go outdoors in a few days. Only those in the fabric pots will try to make it finishing in the tent. If in any case the autos are still too many, ill keep the strongest for work indoors, and i will set the laziest free, so they can go out n join the hippie life in the woods, together with the photos) :smokeit:.

I was thinking to lst so as to arrange them in vscrog. I should have already start stretching group A slowly, but i didnt have so much time for them. Maybe ill spend some time tonight. ..a and i just remember that the fabric pots, are a hell for lst , without a screen
Also when the canopy will get too dense, ill add lot of small pc fans on the bottom, pointing upwards. In last grow i had 12 autos in space 1,40mx1,60m under 1000w. ventilation was strong, (extraction+ 3 different osc fans) so humidity was always on the lowest side (30-40%), but there was no mold probs and the yield satisfied me. most of all satisfied me the rich resins and the aroma of the buds grown in such a dry environment. Here is a pic from that grow on harvest day
IMG_0076.JPG IMG_0121.JPG IMG_0142.JPG IMG_0133.JPG

One important move i should have already done in this setup, is to raise the pots from the floor
A small upgrade today. i tried different arrangements for the fans. this one worked good. the fans are arctic silent 125.
adjust a wing cooling with pc fans.jpg
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With outdoor as an option you will be fine. I live too close to a national park, too many deer without building fortress.

Thank you for more helpful tips. I am figuring out ventilation and fans are key when running 1000W.
UPDATES DAY 28 and Day 21

Today i changed from 400w MH -> to 600w son-t pia dual HPS. I could have keep the MH another week so they gain more growth but this is not what i want in that grow. Ill try to keep em small so they all fit in there.
It looks like ill just stay to total 600w dual spectrum light, so as to avoid the use of cooltube.

Light and Ventilation

Till now i am doing ok with just 2 pc 125silent funs, attached together for the intake of cool air and a couple of osc fans for the inside circulation.
Soon ill attach a normal 150 m3/h ventilator for the cool air intake and the TD 350 m3/h with the carbon filter attached to exhaust heat.
My environment's intake air temps are steady 10-20 C degrees between night and day.. thats more than perfect:baby:.
My only problems are the tube lengths for both intake &exhaust. For the intake it has to run 4m. And the exhaust needs to run 3m from the grow room to the wall, and after that it has to travel up all the way of the is like another 6m upwards! shit :evil: All this distance is a pain in ma ass. Im sure i would have less than 25 C inside the gro room if i didnt have to run all this distance for exhaust. But there is no other place to through the hot air. I tried exhausting it in the same room that the tent stands but i get 1-2 degrees higher temp then inside the tent.. I hadnt grow again in that space/climate, so i didnt know what to expect. If i had plan it better, i would have bought a 500 m3/h ventilator or even higher for the exhaust.

Anyway, maybe ill have to play in the limits now with temps, but i am fine. If next month gets too hot and i cant control it anymore ill just attach a cooling hood under the adjustAwing reflector and solve the all the temp probs.

Today during the midday the 600w hps was standing 60cm on top of the plants and the temp inside the room was 27 C degrees. and 45-50% humidtiy. juust great :baby:At night i will bring it bit closer to plants..not more then 45-50cm far.

was done couple days ago in A' group, and ladies took it positively. I only tied the main branch down. Side branches already poped out. Ill give her just few days to recover from the first shock and then ill also tie down 3 of the side branches. I want them to stay low but at the same time i dont want them to end up in a flat spreaded bush cause not so much space in there.

-This week the A' group (week 4 from seed) got around 3 waterings of 500ml , with 1,5ml/l biogrow each
-the B' group (week 3 from seed) also got 3 waterings with 300ml, and 0,5ml/l biogrow
Both groups fed with 1ml/l algamic and 2ml/l activera

Next feed i start feeding both groups bloom nutes in every feed (starting with 0,5 ml/l)

DAY 28 and Day 21


Group A' Day 29
Group B' Day 22

They have started taking the V shape around the bulb.
The group A' will be on the sides and ill let them reach max 3' -4' high
the group B' will stay in the center trained to reach max 2'-3'

WEEK 4 feeding for group A': 1,5 ml/l grow, 1 bloom, 1 algamic, 0,5 topmax
WEEK 3 for group B': 1 ml/l grow, 0,5 bloom, 1 algamic, 0,5 topmax

Group A' has started multiplying her flowers
group B' is still in the preflower phase. i started giving them bloom nutes earlier just in case they get triggered to flower faster and stay short,, helping me retain the V shape,, lets see

LST - Day 29
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Day 22
update DAY 38 for groupA and day 31 for groupB'
38 daysold and 31.jpg

11 plnts left inside till now. Ill probably remove another 2 and let them finish outdoors.
The super mazar from sweet seeds are growing slower than the other sisters. Very short and bushy. If it continues like this it will come handy as it will allow me keep all of them in tent untill finish. Ill check them for another week before i decide

I upgraded the tent's vent system.
-My intake air comes in with a vent of 130 m3/h and 4 meters duct. Intake temp is steady 15-20 C.
-I exchanged the exhaust with a dimable extractor at 650 m3/h (can go max 800). There is a 300 m3/h carbon filter attached next to it. I have a spare carbon filter also for 300 m3/h. After couple weeks that theyll get more stinky, I will use a 'Y' connector and i will attach both 300m3/h filters on the 650 extractor.
-The 600w hps hangs day n night at 35-45 cm away from canopy.
The temps on top of canopy are max 27.5 C :cheers:

i used to sleep on top of plants. that is the first time i dont mind about some extra noise in the room where's the tent as its not for sleeping. So,, using for first time an 800 m3/h extractor i have to admit that is WICKED and suggest everyone, to get STRONG vent. The glass cool hoods are a solution only if i grow in southern climates You will probably need to sound insulate the door of the room that tent sits, if you dont want it to be heard from someone outside the door.
350m3/h ventilators can be relatively silent but they do shit with removing the heat. An 800 is maybe 15 dbA louder than a supposed 'silent'. Its not that much of noise. After testing it, sleeping next to a TD-silent 350 was almost same annoying as sleeping next to a Prima Klima 800. Both are not quiet and is better to find a really silent place to crash

Both groups got LST , mainly only their top cola and couple of side branches
group A, is ~60cm in height

Group B ~ 42cm

This week they drink ~1,2 l of water every 2 days (9l pots). Feed in every watering.
I reduced grow in 0,5ml/l and i started increasing the bloom and topmaxfrom 2->3ml/l
Algamic, heaven and activera are at 1ml/l

Decreasing the Grow nutes so early(at Day 38), was not very good idea. Very soon the plants starved and leaves started yellowing. It could be a Mag deficiency at the same time. So after showing up signs of deficiency i increased the amount of BioGrow at 1,5ml/l and i added some Magnesium Sulfate. Plants recovered in 4-5 and now they have almost got back their healthy green color..almost
So here they are

Group A' Day 40
Group B' day 33

40 daysold and 33b.jpg

Group A' Day 45
Group B' day 38

45 DAYS OLD and 38.jpg