Indoor grow Journal - Amnesia, S.Mazar, 600w hps, soil, 3'x5' by gantsa

Here is were the N or/and Mag deficiencies that showed up last week in tha A' group plants, are slowly getting corrected

20160527_115433.jpg 20160527_115441.jpg 20160527_115447.jpg
Group A' Day 53
Group B' day 46
53 DAYS OLD and 46.jpg

Watering every day with 800ml water/plant

WEEK 7 feeding for group A': 1,5 ml/l grow, 3 bloom, 3 algamic, 2 topmax
WEEK 6 for group B': 1 ml/l grow, 2,5 bloom, 2,5 algamic, 1 topmax
Glad you posted on my thread bro thanks it let me find ures again I did say it'll get bushy in there wait gangsta were u go ooh there u are lol such a gorgeous jungle u got keep up the good work bro and stick around
Nice tent Brother....

After following I have noticed you and I have very similar approaches to growing Cannabis. Our styles are consistent in they way we run groups/rounds with flow and HID. I have experienced very similar needs for equipment upgrades. VERY COOL TO RUN ACROSS THIS.....
Hi... Did you take out one by one to watering every day, or have you some smart system ?
hello dude. welcome
yes I take out those 4 in the middle. the tent can open totally in the front and left side(secret jardin 3x5). My room gets stinky after keeping them out the tent for those 20' it takes me to water and inspect. At the point they are out the tent, i have to be sure that all house windows are closed, so the wind doesnt enter the house (and therefore push the stink out my room in the public spaces). The exhaust vent keeps a steady negative pressure by pulling air from the windows/door cracks
Glad you posted on my thread bro thanks it let me find ures again I did say it'll get bushy in there wait gangsta were u go ooh there u are lol such a gorgeous jungle u got keep up the good work bro and stick around
Thanks a lot for your comments brother! You were right in your first post, 12 autos from that strains is very hard to fit in 3'x5'. Its not a good idea. Next grow ill try 8 plants in same conditions/nutes/space and compare the yields.
I was in a dilemma about removing those 2-3 extra plants. Your comment help me decide removing them earlier (thus giving earlier space and light to the rest). :thanks:for the alert
Its the first time i try to grow in so small space and i still have lots to learn
Those ten i have now spread nicely but still there is ~15% of the V space that i cant take advantage (corners). i should have train them earlier under a fixed V scrog net, plus nets on the short sides of the tent (to allow me grabing the buds to the perimetre), few more osc fans to avoid mold, plus a blue-mat autowatering system and a raised tank (to water without moving the pots),,,plus some more nights of work for the training :chef: gladly the setup upgrade brainstorms never end. and unfortunately free time can be a bitch some times of the year

jungle massive DAY 55


i hope they will keep fattening for the next 2-3 weeks. The gals right under the bulb look like will have 10grams more resin in the end, than their sisters aside :drool: Very dense buds all four of them already full covered with honey. The others on the left and right sides, stretched 10-15 cm more by themselves and i raised their pots another 15. So the sides end 30cm higher than the buds in the middle. Despite the fact that those in the sides are 60-70cm away from the bulb, they look same happy and fat in comparison to those under the bulb. slightly less dense buds and resin concentration bud still juicy and satisfing grow rates. The gal in the right side dont grow as much faster, as i would i have expected 2 weeks after adding 125w cfl right on top of her.. I think red spectrum is more important for them at late flowering

Ill roll a long one now and go check them out. lights just turned on
cheers dude:smoker1: